IVF we have lift off!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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I have an update at last, :dance:another step further into the realm of the TTCing abyss.

After 3 failed attempts at IUI with 50mg Clomid, I quickly grew angry and sad – the disappointment over whelmed me. I was all but ready to give up, as my hope felt like it was slipping away.:wall2:

Until yesterday’s hospital appointment…:dance:

It has been confirmed that I start IVF next week!! :lol: Next WEEK! I couldn’t believe how quick my doctor has put me forward. I was expecting her to say I’m on the waiting list and will need to wait my turn.

However, there is so much to remember and least we forget, to pay for. Luckily, I have a good doctor and she will explain everything with me and hubby step by step.
I am a little nervous though, there is so much to do before the actual procedure, lots of drugs, injections, waiting and the removal of eggs is a surgical procedure in itself. Treatment that nearly blends into two months, only for there to be a negative at the end, is almost too much to bare.:wall2:

Of course I will keep positive but I have to face reality and accept that even this may not work for us either, (or maybe not right away anyway). I have so much support from family and friends and it will be a emotional road for all of us, not just my hubby and I. If it is a negative we will all be so upset and if it is positive we will all be jumping up and down, screaming in happiness. Well, I’ll be watching them jump up and down while ill be taking it easy.:lol:

It looks as though the emotional rollercoaster is going to be sped up a notch and will probably experience a few loop-the-loops…With Seat Belts Fastened, Here We Go…

I'll keep you all posted. X
Great news Hun!!!

I wish you all the luck in the world!!

Keep us posted on how things progress won't you...

Sending you lots of babydust!


That's fantastic! :good:

Not jealous at all...

Stupid Nhs!!! :whistle:

Ummmmmm - don't mean to put the breaks on, but have you done much research into fertility clinics in your area?

You really need to, don't just be ushered into a default clinic because they can vary a lot and some are better at certain kinds of fertility issues.

The clinic i'm insisting on has a 70% success rate for first time cycles for under 35s, but some places can have as low as 20% in the same category :)

Just pause for thought ;)
Amazing news. Very quick... I have everything crossed for you. PMA and all that there might be something in it so stay positive. I reeeeally really really hope it all works for you xxxxxxxx
That's fab news :yay: sending a bucket load of :dust: your way!!
Keep us posted :) xx
Ooooh that's fantastically quick!!!

FX very tightly for you!!!
fantastic news.. i hope everything works out for you and hubbie.. you must be sooo excited!! :yay: xx
Yay that is fab news and amazingly quick, I really hope it works hun x x x
That's great hun! Wish you all the best! :dust:

Keep us posted!

Thanks girls.

I have been ttcing for a long while now so maybe that is why i'm put forward for a bit more hope.

Will let you know how i get on x

Thank you for your messages, my thoughts are with you all too x

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