ive been holding something back, a confession

glitzyglamgirl said:
Thank you, I am wondering why I kept this to myself as you are all being so amazingly understanding and supportive, I guess I just needed to test the water before coming out with it but you have all confirmed what I was starting to beleive, that you gals on here are not the type to jump to conclusions and make rash judgements.

Your all wonderful and I love ya!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Ack GG, no one would judge you :hug: Theres a smiliar situation in my family and I've learned NEVER to judge these things from the outset, theres always alot more going on than meets the eye. You've been through so much unnecessary heartache from others and its not your fault. Do you still speak your mum?
Im surprised this has been bumped after over a year! Thanks for all the comments though :hug:

Natalie - is there a reason you are trawling through my old posts?
:think: Its a bit wierd that some one has brought this up after so long just to say that?? On the other hand, I am quite pleased because I didn't get to read it before and although I did know you had two daughters, I didn't realise what you had been through GGG and I am really happy you felt you could share it with us forum girlies! I think you are very brave and I REEEEAALLLLLYYYY hope you get the bfp you have been waiting for :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

i remember when you first put your IVF ticker up and it said 22 months to go, and i kept thinking wow thats ages, but now look, only 17 months! thats been 5 months already and its flown by..
i hope the rest of the time goes as quick for you :hug:
i have never seen this before :shock: but GGG can i just say ur story has touched me i think u are one amazing woman to off kept this to ur self...i know this is an old thread but i still want to give u these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I totally missed this thread first time round and I realise it's old although when reading it I didn't know that until the 4th page!

Anyway I just wanted to add that I think you are one of the bravest women I have ever had the pleasure of "talking" to.

What you did for your children took an amazing amount of courage and selflessness and I sincerely applaud you for it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Natalie - is there a reason you are trawling through my old posts?

you have clearly have a stalker...................get urchin to check her out!
I read all the way through not realising it was so old :oops:
probably nathalie had some extra time on her hands and was going through old posts and ggg's story touched her..i dont think that makes her a stalker at all !
Jade&Evie said:
natalie9119 said:
aww bless

that's the first thing you've posted inover 18 months... surely there are more current issues you could have posted about :think:

she might have a computer just SLIGHTLY slower than mine- she posted that 2 years ago its just come thru now! :lol:
im curious as to ahy this is back in the top ten posts :think:

who is natalie
its so nice to read through it and see all the peeps i was preggo with though
How strange I loked at the dates when I didnt recognise the person at the bottom of page one! Need to look at dates! :doh:

BUT GGG you are a very brave woman and an insperation to us all :hug:

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