ive been holding something back, a confession

JaidyBaby said:
People that judge without knowing the full story are just ignorant :twisted:

Anyone that is worth anything will always listen to you and take you for what you are, not your circumstances.

I was so worried posting on here about my phobias/panic attacks, worried that people would 'judge' me but no one did, they are a fab bunch on here.

We will support you all the way through :hug:

I totally agree with u jaidybaby!
hi hun

You were really brave to say all that and i admire your honestly, and people will not judge you as a bad mother because you dont have your girls with you. If anything you are to be admired as you have put their happiness before your own and refused to be entered into another bitter court case.

My friend had a lot of trouble trying to conceive. medically there was nothing wrong it was just month after month after month with no luck. Then she got accepted into IVF treatment and bingo, 2 months later, pregnant naturally, and now 3 children later.

maybe you just need to relax and admit to yourself that you are a great mum, your girls love you immensly and you do deserve another baby. Try and stop beating yourself up. you have done the best that you could.

hugs for u glitzyglamgirl, uv been thru a hell of a lot but ur a stronger person for it!! :hug: :hug:

thanks for feelin u can share that with us too, is always nice to take care of our forum buddies! :hug: :hug:
aww love you. Im sorry you felt you had to keep that to yourself. Were not a bad bunch and we wouldnt have judged you chick. Were here to support each other :D

From one cardiff lass to another heres a great big hug

take care xx
Thank you, I am wondering why I kept this to myself as you are all being so amazingly understanding and supportive, I guess I just needed to test the water before coming out with it but you have all confirmed what I was starting to beleive, that you gals on here are not the type to jump to conclusions and make rash judgements.

Your all wonderful and I love ya!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: I can only agree with what everybody else has said

There's no such thing as poetic justice. I had a termination before Callum - it broke my heart but it was the best thing to do. When all the problems with Callum started happening, I thought it was my pay back. You may have bridges to cross, but they've been put there before we start, not because of the path we've chosen. It will all turn out for the best in the end, and you'll be a much stronger person through the journey. Lets all hope you're nearing the end of this journey with a nice BFP, ready to embark on a new one :pray:
Thanks Tracey, thats a lovely way of putting it, and deep down I know your right :hug:
Glitzy you r a strong brave brave woman and you deserve another baby, your so brave opening up, :hug: :hug: :hug: may all your hopes and dreams come true as right now i cannot think of a single person who deserves happiness more than you. :hug:
fingerscrossed said:
Glitzy you r a strong brave brave woman and you deserve another baby, your so brave opening up, :hug: :hug: :hug: may all your hopes and dreams come true as right now i cannot think of a single person who deserves happiness more than you. :hug:

Thank you, though I dont think I deserve it any more than anyone else, I hope all you wonderful ladies have all your hopes and dreams come true too as we ALL deserve it!
glitzyglamgirl said:
fingerscrossed said:
Glitzy you r a strong brave brave woman and you deserve another baby, your so brave opening up, :hug: :hug: :hug: may all your hopes and dreams come true as right now i cannot think of a single person who deserves happiness more than you. :hug:

Thank you, though I dont think I deserve it any more than anyone else, I hope all you wonderful ladies have all your hopes and dreams come true too as we ALL deserve it!

True hunny, everyone deserves happiness, :hug: :hug:
:hug: aw hun that must have been so hard to want to talk about your girls and not feel like you could. i agree with everything the others have said.
you have done nothing wrong. as a mother all you want to do is protect your babies and in this case the best way to protect them from a long and bitter custody battle was to let them live with him. if anyone should worry about karma its him and your mum, not you babe.

feel free to babble on about your girls to your hearts content hun, like we all do with our kids!!

Thanks hun, ive got 2 months of bragging to catch up on lol, my eldest daughter of 14 has just been told she can do her GCSE's a year early and go up a year if she wants, but she made her own what I thought was a very wise desicion to stay where she is and be the best in the year instead of the youngest lol, and my youngest of 11 has discovered a real talent for art (ive got her loads of grown up art stuff for xmas)

phew...........been holding that in for aaages!

Thanks xxxxxxxxxx
See i bet that felt great! sounds like you have two very bright, lovely girls and you should be very proud hun.

i was really into art at that age too - she'll love all the art stuff you got her, i used to love to get those tins of really nice art pencils!

yep I am massively proud of them, they dont get their brains from me though lol

I got Kasmin an easel and palette with a set of proffesional brushes and paint knives, a box set of water colours and acrylic paints, pencils, and some canvas and waterclour paper, and a collins art manual, should be enough to get her started! My OH is an artist so hes going to show her few tips and tricks :D
Im so glad everyone has shown their support and understands your feelings about this. Thats why I love this forum, people dont judge you (well, the majority anyway - the ones who do aint worth it!) :hug:
x-kirsty-x said:
Im so glad everyone has shown their support and understands your feelings about this. Thats why I love this forum, people dont judge you (well, the majority anyway - the ones who do aint worth it!) :hug:

Absolutely, you have no idea what a relief it is for me, im leaving work in a very very good mood today and thats down to you lovely lot :D
Glitzyglamgirl your post made me cry I am sorry you've been through so much but you've come out the other side now stronger, healthier and more positive which is such a bonus. I'm delighted that you see your girls regularly and have a good relationship with them because at the end of the day that's what's most important not who they live with. I don't think people who haven't gone through depression realise how badly it can affect you and for how long there is never an overnight cure (unfortunately).

Keep your chin up and enjoy your Christmas with your daughter and I'm sure you'll be speaking to your other daughter plenty over the holidays.

Babydust to you - I really really hope and pray you get your bfp soon because you really do deserve it good luck and have a lovely Christmas.
Thank you Smurf, I hope you have a fab xmas too and congratulations on your BFP! :hug:
Glitzyglamgirl im so sorry hun, your story broke my heart. I really hope that you find peace.

Im looking forward to hearing about your girls. :hug:
It took a lot of courage to tell us all that. Good luck for you and your girls and TTC. Wanna give you a big :hug: . Have a great Xmas with your youngest.

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