I really dont know what to do about my cats. I have had them 4 years and got them off a woman when they were 2 because she didnt want them anymore. The problem is that they have been a bit put out since I had my dd 15 months ago. We moved in July and I think they dont like where we live either as it isnt near fields etc like our last house was.
They have taking to weeing all over the house and the final straw was this morning when I was checking the suitcase we had packed to go to my in laws for the week, only to discover they had pissed all over my clothes! My hubby is totally sick and said its the final straw. I dont know what to do! He says they have got to go and part of me agrees as I dont seem to get much pleasure out of them and they are obviously not happy here now but the thing is,I would feel guilty sending them to live with someone else.
Sorry its long but I would really appreciate anyones opinions?

I really dont know what to do about my cats. I have had them 4 years and got them off a woman when they were 2 because she didnt want them anymore. The problem is that they have been a bit put out since I had my dd 15 months ago. We moved in July and I think they dont like where we live either as it isnt near fields etc like our last house was.
They have taking to weeing all over the house and the final straw was this morning when I was checking the suitcase we had packed to go to my in laws for the week, only to discover they had pissed all over my clothes! My hubby is totally sick and said its the final straw. I dont know what to do! He says they have got to go and part of me agrees as I dont seem to get much pleasure out of them and they are obviously not happy here now but the thing is,I would feel guilty sending them to live with someone else.
Sorry its long but I would really appreciate anyones opinions?