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I witnessed something I couldnt do to much about!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Well I went over to our sister site in Huddersfield, I drove out the exit and there was a gabble of kids messing in the road (boys and girls, about 20 and abuot 14-16 in age) I thought they were just messing about (they all had school uniform on) but then I noticed one poor lass was getting dragged by her hair by one girl (who look way older) and abuot 4/5 others kicking and punching her and the rest of them bar one (who was bring shoved) cheering.

Now what I would have like to do (and 5 years ago would have done) is get out, pull them apart tell them all to fcuk off (and possibly give one of them a smack back if they got gobby) and give the 2 girls a lift home or make sure they got off on their own ok BUT what with all the problems in the last 2 years of people being knifed/battered to death and not just kid on kid but kids on adults who ''interfere'' to be quite honest I was to scared to get out to try and break it up! I had left mobile at home this morning and had forgotten to take works (typicall :roll: ) so I couldnt even ring the police so I stoped, reversed (loced my doors) and sat peering at them all with an evil look as though I was clocking them 1 by 1, they hung arround for a bit and went to start again so I beeped and wagged my finger and they started dispersing and I saw the girls (being battered) going off a different way) so I left (had to get back to work. Im sure though when I got down the road some girls ran after the other 2 and I feel really rotten incase their battered to death now
Horrible but I know exactly what you mean. My self preservation would kick in...I'm not big and I've never really been in fights...so I just pass by feeling guilty as anything but not daring to get involved :(
Afew years back I seen a kid that scared that he had locked himself the best way he could into the phone box over the road from my house.... a group of lads braying at the phone box and trying to get him out.... I couldn't stand about doing nothing so took my dog over with me (not that he would hurt a fly but hes a staffy and ppl always think the worst of them) I took the boy from the phone box and took him over to mine where I got him to phone his mam who came and picked him up.....

next day I got a lovely load of flowers and a thankyou card from the mother but I can honestly say that I think this wasnt going to be the end of it... at least I made sure he was ok that day.... now tho I dont think I would wanna step in for the same reasons you are saying.. you just dont know what they are going to pull on you... its such a shame!!!
Its so sad isnt it?

3 years ago i did stop and help a girl that was getting battered and i got out of the car and tryed to pull her into mine but one of the lads - punched me so hard in the face i saw stars and from that day on i havet done it ince. I just call the police now.
Aww luv, don't feel bad!

If i'm out of uniform then I tend to shy away from these things - groups of kids fighting, men fighting etc. But unfortunately in uniform I HAVE to throw myself in and sort it out. Our local paper would have a field day if someone told them that an ambulance crew drove past an incident etc etc.

But I'm very much like you, self preservation all the way, especially nowadays, and since having Mhairi I'm a hundred times more wary!

:cry: :cry: That is terrible :x

What a horrible situation for you to be in. You just can't take the risk of stepping in these days :(
If I was on my own I would probably have gone over and done something,like hamer the crap out of a couple, but that is because I can be really stupid and impulsive at times. Though if i had Willow or something, I'd just leave it. I got bullied really badly when i was younger so I can't help but involve myself sometimes.
Sadly, I think you did the right thing. People get knifed for less and im ashamed to say it but I wouldnt have got out the car but would have blared my horn for all it was worth.

Its very very sad,
For what it's worth I think you did the only thing you could've done hon

I hope everything worked out alright for them
I remember when i was at school me and a mate were in the park in town. We were sat minding our own business when some little kid came over. She must've only been about 5 and she shouted 'bitch' at us. Looked over and saw who she was with and decided they looked like they weren't to be messed with, so got up and moved elsewhere, well out the way.
Next thing the group came over and started accusing us of calling this little girl names. We were about to get up and move as this girl grabbed my friend by the hair, started punching her. I jumped up to try and defend her when another girl attempted to stop me. There were loads of people in the park, no one came to help but someone called the police. Worst thing was my mate never acknowledged the fact i helped her. It hurt.
It's not nice these days. That people are scared to help. I would be too.
oh thanks girls a feel alot better knowing most of you would have done the same, my OH said at least I didnt just drive off like most would have done!

My bro is in CID and always tells me not to get involved and walk away as these days anything could happen so Im glad you agree Lainey that you would also walk away if out of uniform!

Zebra, TBH if it was 4 years ago I would have got out without thinking because of a few reasons, mainly there wasn't as much publiscised incidents back then, I didnt have a son to think about, and generally I just didnt think about things and have grown up alot now. If I had of gotten out, I have a very short fuse and even if they didnt stab me or anything but gobbed off, tried pushing me, I would have smacked someone I know I would, and I know I have a hard punch so I could have seriously hurt one of them (I used to be a kickboxer so know my own strength and these were just 14-15-16 yr old kids at the end of the day) but even if I didnt seriously hurt them I would have been arrested for ausaulting a minor and been saked from work. I was sat in the car thinking bout all these things! Back in the day I would have been out, dragging them off her lol, but then again back in the day I could have said ''oi'' to them and they would have disperserd crapping themselves, now they have no respect or fear of their elders!
When I was 13 I was walking home from school when 6 people I went to school with, pulled me into a forest entrance and started beating me up. Luckily someone walking past ran in and scared them all off. She walked me home and made sure I was safe. I was thankful for that intervension but these days you don't know what could happen.

I was bullied badly in school but if I was walking past something like that I wouldn't interfere, I would call the police though and stay as far back as I could. Kids these days think it is cool to walk around with knifes. Anything could happen.

With a crowd as large as that you certainly did the right thing.
You did the right thing. You can't risk it these days. At least you let them know you were there....
My DH was driving home last week and said to me when he came in that he just saw 2 boys set about a girl on the side of the road. He said should he have gone back and helped. Now, I'm being selfish and don't feel guilty about it when I said to him no. We live next to a notoriously rough estate and he has a responsibilty to this baby rather than to a stranger.
jennywren said:
Well I went over to our sister site in Huddersfield, I drove out the exit and there was a gabble of kids messing in the road (boys and girls, about 20 and abuot 14-16 in age) I thought they were just messing about (they all had school uniform on) but then I noticed one poor lass was getting dragged by her hair by one girl (who look way older) and abuot 4/5 others kicking and punching her and the rest of them bar one (who was bring shoved) cheering.

Now what I would have like to do (and 5 years ago would have done) is get out, pull them apart tell them all to fcuk off (and possibly give one of them a smack back if they got gobby) and give the 2 girls a lift home or make sure they got off on their own ok BUT what with all the problems in the last 2 years of people being knifed/battered to death and not just kid on kid but kids on adults who ''interfere'' to be quite honest I was to scared to get out to try and break it up! I had left mobile at home this morning and had forgotten to take works (typicall :roll: ) so I couldnt even ring the police so I stoped, reversed (loced my doors) and sat peering at them all with an evil look as though I was clocking them 1 by 1, they hung arround for a bit and went to start again so I beeped and wagged my finger and they started dispersing and I saw the girls (being battered) going off a different way) so I left (had to get back to work. Im sure though when I got down the road some girls ran after the other 2 and I feel really rotten incase their battered to death now

im afraid o wouldn't get involoved in any secondry school kids fights or anything now. i don't want to be knifed or shot.
im even thinking of home schooling my kids as i feel sick at the thought of mine mingling with the social deprivates out there now.
im even thinking of home schooling my kids as i feel sick at the thought of mine mingling with the social deprivates out there now.[/quote]

This is the very reason we are moving house as I don't want my kids going to the local school.

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