
Dec 28, 2015
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Just had a call from our fertility nurse.

My hsg is normal although they can't be completely sure about one end of my tubes. The dye flowed freely but didn't spill.

We've been referred for IUI and our first appointment is Friday morning. Experience of this please? I'm suddenly panicking x
I haven't gone through iui myself, I was told both my tubes were blocked and had go go through ivf instead. I don't know much about iui, is that where they inject sperm into your uterus? I would have thought they might have done some more investigations if one of your tubes could be blocked as that could stop the iui from working. Try not to worry, ask as many questions as you can about it while you have the chance, they might explain the results of the HSG in more detail with you then as well x
My tubes are clear but I have had IUI. I didn't get pregnant but my hormones were all over the place then. It's just like a smear test, not painful and nothing to worry about. Good luck xx
Thanks so much.

I'm certainly writing all of my questions down.

My hsg said that one tube is normal with spill and the other appeared normal but the examination was haltered prior to the spill. I don't know why because I didn't ask them to stop because of the pain.

I'm not sure whether to request another hsg prior to IUI as I feel the results were a little inconclusive. Even if there is a slight issue with one tube is IUI still effective?
I thought it would affect IUI, if one tube is blocked, it will stop the egg travelling down it, unless they know the egg will be released from your ovary next to the clear tube. Just see what they say first about the results x
Iui success here, currently 36 weeks after two cycles, convinced it wasn't going to work as both of us had no real issues, mild endometriosis my side. And for me felt one step on from timed intercourse, I had already booked IVF appointment for after cycle 3 and didn't need it!
Very simple procedure we had super ovulation so injected daily to boast eggs.
Good luck with it, as long as one tube is clear then egg can be picked up ?
My hsg showed minimal spill on one side and so I had a lap and dye and it showed a partially blocked tube and an ovary adhered to my stomach. I went on to have 4 iuis with clomid, one of which had to be cancelled as I was only ovulating on the dodgy side and it wasn't deemed worth continuing as the tube really wasn't open enough to stand a good chance. I will add that my first iui did result in pregnancy but ended in miscarriage unrelated to the iui. So worth it i'd say as long as you're being scanned to check the good side is going to ovulate X

IUI success story here. Have my tyrning 3 year old son to prove it. I didnt ovulate on my own do was great for me as it made me ovulate. Procedure itself was quick andnothing more than a little uncomfortable. Weth ever minute of it!

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