it's going too quick...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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I cant believe how fast this trimester is going, seems like everytime I look at my ticker i'm another week ahead :shock:

It's my scan in 16 days!!!! Not long now :cheer:

Does anyone else think time's flying?
I'm hoping that time speeds up for me soon.
I've got an appointment on tuesday at the early pregnancy assessment unit, and the minutes are dragging.
I'm hoping once thats past that time will speed up!
So funny - cos it's going REALLY slowly for me!

I'm living one day to the next (OMG am I really only 5+4????)!!!!!
maybe because I have Aaliyah to keep me occupied all day :think:
So far mine has flew by, I cant believe its less than 2 eeks til I go into tri 2 :shock: I have Maddison to keep me busy too so it might be because of that :hug:
Yes goin far to quick can't believe this trimesters gonna b over soon. My last pregnancy dragged and I couldn't wait for it t be over and this time if feels like LO will b here before we are even ready! xxxx
i'm the opposite hun i think its dragging!! but i think thats cos they put me back 2 weeks thats why!! :wall:
Its dragging for me, i think its because i found out alot earlier than with my others, i got my bfp before my period was due so i was only about 3 weeks when i first found out.
Its gone quickly for me but not quickly enough! Iv done nothing but worry and im still worrying even after my early scan :wall: Maybe its gone fast because of all the excitment of xmas? :)
I don't know if it's a good or bad thing to be going fast...? I also feel like I will have another newborn before I have even bought a pack of vests lol! Roll on my scan 5th January, then I can buy things each week :cheer:

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