Where is the time going???


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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I cant believe in just over 3 weeks time im going to be moving to 3rd Tri :shock: this pregnancy seems to be going sooooooooo fast!!! next thing i know i will be going into labour and then holding my baby girl :D

Does anyone else think that time is just flying by??
I dooo i still dont feel like i should be in tri 3 :oops: cant wait for you to get ur butt over there lol
Mrs_Jay said:
I dooo i still dont feel like i should be in tri 3 :oops: cant wait for you to get ur butt over there lol

LOL - awww you missin me already hun? :D

i cant wait to get over there.....one step nearer to meeting my baby!! :D

From moving over here, and having my Dating scan, time is just flying, i'm starting to panic, thinkin i've not got enough time, thinkin only 3 more pay checks.. well 4 if hes here on due date left.. how am i going to buy everything!

its so mad, first tri drags.. then 2nd flys.. hope 3rd drags.. xx
The more weekends between now and November the better to be honest - got so much to do round the house to prepare for Little Ones arrival, so would be quite happy for time to slow down a little bit.

Cant wait to join you all in Tri 3, though!

~*Leanne*~ said:
[quote="Mrs_Jay":4fd6h5jp]I dooo i still dont feel like i should be in tri 3 :oops: cant wait for you to get ur butt over there lol

LOL - awww you missin me already hun? :D

i cant wait to get over there.....one step nearer to meeting my baby!! :D

Of course, its just not the same without ya :wink:
you must be joking!
Time has come to an absolute standstill. I've been 14 weeks for about 3 months now!

:wall: :wall:
Time is going really quick for me too. I move to 3rd tri on thursday :shock:
Although I can't wait to meet my baby, I want time to go a little slower because the house isn't ready for them, neither is their room and we haven't got everything they will need yet!
I agree! Its going in mega fast! I'll be in 3rd tri in about a month & I can't believe it :shock:
To be honest I was feeling like it was dragging until you sounded so ecited about it :lol:

I'm not a paitent person tho :oops:

Oh well....2 months until maternity leave...and then hubby should let me start buying the big stuff and decorating nursery :cheer: Then I'll get excited again lol
I feel like its going at the right speed! :D
For a while it was sooo slow! I remember posting that I had been in the same week for months but now, its just a good fast-ish speed!! :D

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