Is this normal??? Help and way too much tmi!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Just had sex with DH but on cleaning up noticed all the stuff that was coming out is Stained pink with some darker red spots I have cleaned his stuff away and it's def from me is this normall???
It's all pink coming from me now (((panicking)))

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baby is on its way! I bet its a girl causing you all this worrying and wait!
Really ooow exciting!! I not had this much when i was like having 4cm before and strong contractions so I was really worried it has seemed to have slowed down now but still there xx

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Hey perhaps your already half way there! I had a bloody show with my oldest, was sick and had to the hospital and was 7cms already!
Wow that would be nice - but I doubt it I'm too unlucky for that haha!! Still
Got the pink stuff coming out - my poor DH when had to ask if he was bleeding :blush:

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Aww bless him :p
Hope this is the 'proper' start of things for you evie!
It's red now is that still ok????

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canthelp on this as i dont have any rumpy pumpy at mo so not had to deal it hope it things moving for you tho hun xxx
I had my show on the Saturday then had sex the sunday morning and the same thing happen to me started off pink the was a dark blood colour I had it all the time till I had him on the monday afternoon, Hope its the start of things evie xxx
Oow hope so I didn't have my blood thing till I was in labour with the other two so this is new to me xx

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I'm not having any pains tho???? I did yesterday and had some this morning but since the sex they have gone was you like this too lanny???

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Really hope it's the start of things x
Just checked again and there isn't anything there now :-/

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Getting cramps now lol!! I don't want to check again but I really need a wee!! Grrr dont think I can hold it in much longer haha!!

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Hope this is the start Evie,I will keep my eyes out for your posts later !
Been to the toilet it's still clear I don't know if that's a good sign or not?? Should i still be having blood or is it ok to stop? Does this mean it will lead no where now? Sorry lots of questions lol xx

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It's back again
WTF?? Lol

Ok looks like it's just me replying to
Most of this thread but at least it will
Give you ladies something to smile over later (mad woman comparing with herself hahahaha)

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