Introducing myself and advice needed


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Hi there I'm really new to this but I'd like to introduce myself and possibly get some advice If that's ok?
We're getting married in less than 6 weeks and have wanted to start a family for a while now. We decided we'd start trying last wed 1st Feb. I went online and calculated the ovulation between 27th jan to 3rd Feb we had sex on 1st, 2nd and 3rd was wondering what are our chances of conceiving?


Hi and welcome! You have about a 20-25% chance of concieving each mnth (that's a healthy couple) it does take time usually, you would be extremely lucky to fall preg 1st mnth but who knows! There are lots of things you can do to enhance your chances, I.e opks, temping...good luck with it :)
I've been off the pill for around 4 months now it's a horrible feeling isnt it the waiting I'm trying so hard not to focus on it but wanted this for such a long time!!! As everyone prob has on here have u any other advice I'm really dull at all this I'm sorry
hey hun, how are your cycles after coming off the pill? are they regular? how many days have they been? you can roughly wrk out from this what date you will ovulate.

if you are unsure then there are a few ways of telling when you will ovulate.....
OPK's.....these are pee sticks that you use and the lines tell you if u are/about to ovulate monitoring your temperature every morning you start to notice trends to alert you
Cervical mucus....when you get cervical mucus thats like raw egg white you are usually ovulating
cervix.....if your cervix is "SHOW" (soft, high, open, and wet) ur usually ovulating

hope this helps

Well my advice would be to invest in a clear blue fertility monitor - they arnt cheap but you can pick them up on eBay, I was ttc for 8mnth, second mnth using cbfm I got my positive! It pin points your ovulation time - basically tells you the best time to have sex. If its a bit pricey you could order some cheap ovulation sticks off eBay, you woul need to use these from about cycle day 8 so you do not miss your surge. It's all very complicated isn't it! Stay on this forum and Spk to the lovely ladies and you'll be an expert in no time...
Hey thanks yeah periods have been very regular every 29 days to the day pretty much due on on the 13th. I know this is going to sound silly as it's only been a week but having terrible back pain and a pulling pain as if period pain about to start it's prob because it's a week before my period but not happened before? It's all in my head isn't it lol
it might be baby getting cosey hun, or it may be af...thats the problem with ttc .....alot o pregnancy symptoms are exactly the same as period really screws with ur head lol

if ur cycles are usually 29 days....they say a 28 day cycle women generally ovulate cd 14 (ur luteal phase (dpo) are usually between 12-16 days....14 being average hense 2 week wait we refer to)

I would say you prob ovulate anything between cd 13 - 16/17

its good ur cycles are regular tho.

If you dont get your bfp this cycle....maybe try some of the options i mentioned above...its amazing hw in tune you become with ur body when ttc...youl prob notice ur cm alot more for example

Thank you so much for your support and advice I'm so glad I joined now :) I know I'm probably living in coo coo land thinking I've caught already but I'm a bad impatient person too so prob will have to learn lol can I ask a stupid question when would you try again if your dates were from 24th feb like it's worked out for me for next time?
how do you mean hun? ae you working out the 24th as your first day of next period?

if thats ur cd 1 then ur cd 13 would be 7th march so possibly that week you would ov

Sorry meant I'm due on 13th this month and worked out on ovulation calculater online that date best to start trying is 24th feb is that right? I'm really sorry if I'm bugging peopl on here I've not told anyone we're trying you see as dont want people asking every month :(
ah right i see....well ur cd 13 would be friday 25th....but id start looking at your body on cd 12 which you are correct would be the 24th :)

Id be checking from 23rdor 24th onwards any changes, e.g. checking your cervix to see if its high, wet, soft and open...and checking your cervical mucus....if u did invest in opks id prob start them roughly cd 12 too

dont apologise hun we have all been still asking qs 7 months on. thats what we are here for xxxxx
Hi Sara85, I'm new as well. If it doesn't happen for you this month(I hope it does)buy some OPKIC(ovulation kit predictors internet cheapies). Chart your cycle and take your bbt everyday..timing is everything. We only get a 20-25% chance each month to become pregnant. But I would advise you to relax and enjoy, don't let it become a chore.....just my humble opinion
Thanks so much guys your all so nice and welcoming :) I've ordered some testers online so shall see next month I'd love to hav cught straight away but I'm doubting this but obviously never know I hope all of u catch soon too xxxx

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