I had a long labour, but it wasn't so much to do with it being an induction, turns out madam had her head sideways and got stuck! They eventually figured this out after 3 days of labour!! So ended up with c-section. But as I say, that's probably not to do with the fact it was an induction.
I got the gel twice, nothing happened, so I got the pessary, and started contracting at 9pm on the Thursday. Went through the night with no pain relief then the next morning I got some codeine and I think another pessary? Contracted all day Friday, but was very slow and didn't get to 4cm until Saturday and they eventually gave me the drip and broke my waters. Everything started happening then and I was in active labour on Saturday night and Sunday morning on G&A and diamorphine. Didn't progress past 6cm so got an epidural (loved it!) then I went for section at lunchtime on the Sunday.
Thoroughly enjoyed my labour, DH was bored as hell though!! It was a long one, but if you're having an induction don't say no to pain relief cos you may be in for a long haul!!
Wouldn't change my labour, loved everything about it, actually thinking about VBAC for next time (although dh wants elective c-section so he doesn't have to go through what he did when I was in labour - I was loopy on drugs but he had to go through the whole 3 days biting his nails!!) and I would definitely happily go for induction as long as I knew I was getting drugs!!
This is me who 6 months ago insisted I would be having a calm, active, water birth with no drugs if possible. Loved the drugs