Induction when a vbac

My mw said they had 2 ways of inducing after previous section dependin on what my particular consultant goes with,1-traditional gel method or 2-break my waters and use drip to start contractions. I haven't got a clue what my consultant prefers tho.

im in the same boat as you (when i get there) as ill be having a vbac if i dont have section (just decideing weather my pelvis is to small to do natral birth or not)

they have all different way in dealing with us as we are high risk to certain things, they cant use the same method they would with other ladies regards indution coz it can bring contactions to hard which can course tears as you will know...

i do know that from the start they monitor you very very closely and if at any point you dont progress even for a short period they will not leave you like they would with a normal labor, they will just give you a section..............these are the things that are putting me of vbac :( :( just wish it could be simple and natural,

hope all gose well as im sure it willlllllllllllllllll x x x xx xx x

eeeeeek! "pelvis too smalll"??? are they going to xray you? Has your consultant just timetravelled from the 1920s?? more info....

i know this is what the mw said to me yesterday at my check up but as that artical states its usually just a reason they give to ''shut u up '' hahah

i personally think i ended up having a section firast time coz remy was coz of brow just tring to figure out was this coz of the shape of my uterus or summat to do with me, which would mean i could very much do the same this time orrrrrrrrrrr is it just i was one of them out of 500 who was very unlucky to have a brow baby

they do make it very very hard for you, i find they try and dazzle you in to thinking they are right with what ever they say and i think you just have to no your stuff and fight your courner with them x

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