Induction tomorrow eek!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Well tomorrow will be here soon enough and I've got an appt to be induced at 2pm. I'm both nervous and excited. I know it can take hours and hours and it hurts more than going into labour naturally but I'm happy to have any pain relief so it shouldn't be too bad - fingers crossed. I'm sure once I'm in the hospital and settled I'll be less nervous, its just more fear of the unknown. Fingers crossed baby will be here safely and quickly :) xx
Awww hun I was exactly the'll be fine...I ended up having an epidural when I was induced but thats because I was induced with the drip as my waters had already gone :) but you will be fine it's all worth it in the end :) good luck xxx
I was induced with my daughter and the birth went pretty quick!
Wish u all good luck and lucky you get to see ur baby soon!!! xxx
Goodluck hunny, cant wait for your labour watch x x

Thanks all. Just got myself organised, house is clean, bags checked again, just going to have tea, watch X factor and big bro then its early night for me. Xx
Good luck. Hope you manage to get a good nights sleep tonight.
good luck jacki...... hope you can get a good nights sleep in preparation for tomorrow.

i can't wait to hear your birth story and see the piccies! x
Best of luck!! Try to get a good rest tonight xxx
Thanks girls. I'm sure I'm not going to be able to sleep at all x
Good luck! Not long and you'll be holding your LO!

Well today's finally here. Am just about to get showered n dressed then will be on my way. I can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen xxx thanks for all your support ladies xxx

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