Induction stories please!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2012
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I'm going in tonight to be induced and I'm crapping myself!!
What can I expect??
TIA xx

Sorry can't help but just wanted to say good luck, I'm sure everything will be fine, exciting that you will soon have your little baby in your arms for a cuddle xx
I can't help either, but wanted to say good luck and hope it goes smoothly. I may be being induced in a few weeks so will keep an eye out for some stories xx
my induction isn't until next week (if I need it) so I have no experience to share but wanted to say good luck. I'm sure I'll be feeling the same as you when/if the time comes but just try to stay calm, remember it's getting closer and closer to meeting your little one, keep focused on that :) congrats Xx
i had an induction at 40 weeks n 2014 ill post my story (ive posted it once but deleted nd now I'm going to cry lol) every induction is different. but before I do mine,,,, here is my mums

1982 - 42 wks
induced at 1pm with pessary, baby born 530pm

1984 (40 wks)
induces at 2pm - baby born 4:30pm)

I'm going to type mine up... more detailed... it did end in a C-section and was lengthly, but that doesn't mean yours would be.
okay.... so I decided just to go and find my labour story... ive deleted some as I had a rather distressing experience (this was far more to do with the "care" I received than the induction so I'm leaving it out as its not relevant.) this is not everyone's story, just mine and its not the most straight forward induction as it ended in a C-section, but it is my experience... if you have any questions just PM me. There will be far more straight forward stories out there (probably a lot!) and I'm sure someone will share.

here's my labour story (I wrote it at the time)

So i went in on Saturday 1/3/14 for induction prior to my duedate on 2/3/14 due to anxiety connected to reduced movement and also lower fluid than they would like.

I went in at 2:30, monitored for a while, then examined. they inserted my first pessary at about 4pm. Went for a walk around the hospital for a bit and backache started to creep in about 6pm. i bounced on my ball and hubby went home at 8pm, with the instruction to return if i went into labour or showed significant progress at my 10pm check.

10pm check came and i still wasnt dilated, cervix rhick and far vback so they gave me another. I didnt sleep at all that night - hideous back cramps and spasms mixed with the most uncomfortable bed in the history of the world! in the morning they checked me again and i was still no further forward so they put in the 3rd pessary and said they'd leave it for 24hours before checking and deciding on plan of action... they said most likely that they would either decide that morning to do a c-section or to give me 24hrs rest before trying one more pessary before a section would be organised if nothing had happened enough to pop my waters.

the mw called the consultant and got him to come and see me. he reassured me and said even though protocol suggests waiting 24hrs after 3rd pessary to check cervix he said he would give me an investigation to see if we could break waters esrly.

they found i was 1cm dialated so managed to break waters at 5pm.

By 9pm i was in agony with my back pain and spasms and transfered to another room with a better bed that could go straight to theatre if i needed a section. i was in absolute hell and at some point that night they offered me gas and air so i took it... it was amazing! loved my gas and air

by 4am i was still only 1cm dialated!
by 5am i was still not having contractions, however mw observed me for 30 minutes and decided my back spasms were far too regular to just be back spasms and despite the minitor not picking up anything at all in the way of contractions she decided i was in fact contracting, I asked for an epidural despite being dead set against it - the mw told me there wasnt anywhere to do it, but gave me some diamorphine which allowed me to sleep for the first time in 2 days.

at 7am i was 2cm dialated.
at 9am i was 4cm dialated and was classed as in "active labour" they gave me an epidural and i was so relaxed ans managed to sleep but at 10am they asked if a student could examine me for practice i said yes and she said i was 7cm dialated! the mw didnt beliueve her but on further investigation ssaid i was in fact 7-8cm dialated! closer to 8cm

then things started to get blurry and i was sick, veryu sick (sidenote- my mum caught my projectile vomit in a kidney dish with AMAZING skill!) and at that moment the baby started to get distress and his heartbeat slowed down considerably. they took some blood from his head and ran a test and daid they needed to take me into theatre to do either an emergncy forceps delivery, if that failed theyd try vontouse and if that failed d have an emergency C-section

they decided against forceps as he was too far inside to do it comfortably, although i was 9cm dilated ath this point so they had to put him back in to get him out. a

I had an amazingly beautiful little boy at 12:32pm weighing 7lbs and 11oz... ith freakishly long legs lol.

I stayed in a few days as he couldnt latch due to a nipple issue - in fact he didnt feed properly for 48hours so his weight had dropped to borderline when he was weighed today -so im now expressing his feeds every 3 hours and bottle feeding. hes beautiful and i love him already so very very much.

my birth was a little traumatic but i dont car e- as long as he got here safely i dont care how he got here.

we named him Luke John Steven after my grandad who passed in 2012 and my hubbys dad who passed in 2000.

I'm sure you will be fine and baby will be here very soon... Despite the induction being long and the labour ending in section, the end result was a healthy baby boy and that's really the most important thing.
Never been induced but just wanted to say good luck x
My sister was induced with all 3 of hers and each experience differed xx
Good luck :)

Here's my (kind of!) induction story....

I woke on the Thursday in the early hours at 38+6 feeling quite 'damp'. I thought I'd wet myself in my sleep lol. I went to the toilet, changed and put a pad on just in case. Within half an hour, I was feeling damp again so went back to the toilet and checked the pad, it was never soaked didn't think it could be waters as you always hear of them gushing. Anyway, I was seen by the mw later that morning and it turned out it was my waters leaking. They gave me 24 hours to go into labour naturally, but booked an induction for Friday afternoon as that was the soonest they could fit me in.
Sure enough, nothing more happened, so off we went to the hospital. They gave me the pessary around 6/7pm, I think I was 2cm dilated, I started with painful back cramps within a couple of hours. They soon died down, and stopped by midnight when OH was sent home. All through the night I was told that I was next to go down to delivery suite to be put on the drip, I didn't get there until midday on the Saturday. Midwife there set me up ready for the drip then examined me again. I think I'd progressed to around 3cm by this point. She said she could still feel some waters, so popped these (this was more like the gush I was expecting!!) then left me to it for half hour. By the time she came back, contractions had started so I ended up not needing the drip after all. . It was pretty straightforward, but I had to have continuous monitoring because of it being so long since my waters first went, so I spent most of the labour on the bed which wasn't ideal. My BP was through the roof, and baby had to have a clip on his head for closer monitoring as his heart rate kept dipping. I think my first contraction was around 1/1.30pm, by 7.30pm I was pushing, baby was born at 9.32pm :) so it was all pretty quick in the end after a very slow start with lots of waiting. They said to my OH at 9pm that I'd got half an hour to get baby out before they'd send me down for a c-section, he was born exactly half an hour later :) I only needed a few stitches and healed pretty well afterwards.

Sorry that ended up so long! It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, and I got my gorgeous boy at the end of it so was totally worth all the hanging around.
Hopefully it's all done nice and quickly for you :) good luck!

Goodluck tonight hun!

Cant wait to see photos of him x
Good Luck! My Consultant has said they will induce early if my pains and bp keep playing up so it's nice to hear stories
Hey can't give advice however wanted to wish you luck and look forward to reading your induction story x
Hi, I was taken in hospital at 4PM at 38 weeks. I was monitored with the belt for an hour or so, had some tea. Around 6PM the consultant came and inserted a pessary. You have to lie down still for around an hour whilst it melts. After this point, as I had visitors, I had a walk to the floor below and sat and had a drink in the cafe with my mum and that. During this time (Around 1 hour 15 mins after pessary) I got some mild cramping. When I got back to the maternity ward, I was given 2 codeine tablets to help me rest. The pains got stronger & stronger and I couldn't sleep for the rest so was given a Meptid injection. This only made me vomit so I would refuse this again and there was a lot of disturbance in my graph as I had to keep getting out of bed to be sick.
Every so often, MW would check how much I had dilated. At 4AM i was moved to delivery where I was given gas & air straight away as the contractions were intense at this point. Waters broke at around 5:15AM and baby born at 8:22AM.

They wrote on my notes spontaneous vertex delivery 2 hours 40 mins. It wasn't spontaneous as I was induced & I don't know how they work out the labour time or from which point.

Good luck! Hope everything goes well xx
They time labour from when your in active labour so 4 cm here. That's what they said this morning at my class.

Jojo I sent you a message as I read your story and feel I'm in a kinda similar situation.

Hope your induction went well, can't read to see an up date x
They time labour from when your in active labour so 4 cm here. That's what they said this morning at my class.

Jojo I sent you a message as I read your story and feel I'm in a kinda similar situation.

Hope your induction went well, can't read to see an up date x
I was only moved to delivery at 4CM so that would make it over 4 hours. God knows how they do it here x
Oh I don't know then lol. Could they have made a mistake? X
Maybe 2hrs 40 mins was pushing time? It seems to be a similar duration as from your waters breaking to delivery.

I had two straight forward inductions at 37 weeks.

First baby, induced at 9am, contractions started at around 10am and built up gradually but 'quickly'. Managed lunch at around 12, at 2pm I went to delivery and was 3cm dilated (back then they classed active labour as 3cm or more at my hospital... think they changed it to 4cm now??)
At 2.30 I had pethidine, had more at around 5/5.30pm and baby was born at 6.41pm.
Scored 9 & 10 on the Apgar at 1 & 5 minutes, so although they were sleepy from the pethidine it didn't cause a problem.

Second baby I was induced at about 3pm (was supposed to be in that morning but the women from the day before were still waiting for active labour so didnt get to come in til about 2pm!)
Contractions started pretty much straight away. Ate dinner at 5pm, at 7pm was checked & 3cm so moved to a delivery room. Had pethidine at 7pm, and baby was born at 10.08pm.
Also got 9 and 10 Apgar scores.

Didn't need any help to deliver either time and only had very minor tearing (didn't need stitches).
Also both times my waters only went minutes before the babies came out.
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Carli90 had her little boy on Monday everyone :)
She didnt end up needing to be induced as she was already 3-4cm when ae got to hosp!

Shes still in hosp atm with rubbish signal xxx
Massive good luck! It really isn't too bad!
I was induced due to ruptured membranes 2 weeks ago. Had the pessary at 12:45am in the early hours after having baby's heartbeat monitored for a few hours due to a dip in heart rate every so often. Had strong contractions 2 mins apart from 10 mins after the pessary was inserted. Was in agony but thats because he was back to back! Was 3cm by 06:45, so had a drip put up and IV fluids/anti sickness drugs and finally given gas & air! Re-examined at 11am, front waters broke by a different midwife, and he was here by 12:59pm! Just over 12 hours in labour!
Honestly, I really do put the majority of my pain down to him being back to back as all my pressure was lower back and it felt ready to snap! Other than that my contractions etc weren't actually too bad!
And I'm already broody for our next one so just shows it can't be too bad! :oooo:
Good luck again! It will all be worth it!!
Wow! Can't believe it's already here that's gone so fast! Good luck xxx

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