Induction in the morning!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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I went for a hospital appointment this morning as i'm now a few days overdue and my BP is still high.. Expected to get the same answer i always get.. "Come back in a week" But they booked me in to be induced tomorrow at 8:30am!!!! :shock:

Even though i've been impatient as my due date was saturday i now don't feel ready, ARGH!!!! :shock:

Anyway, just thought i'd share that with you all!!
awwww..thats always the way...we really want it but when the time comes we poop it :doh: hehe

Be thankful im 6 days over today and not being induced till im 40+11 :(

But good luck you will be fine :D :D :D
princess_h said:
Be thankful im 6 days over today and not being induced till im 40+11 :(

well 41+4 but you know what i mean hehe
Oooooooooh you'll be holding your LO now roxanne :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
Very best wishes :hug:
If her labour is quick she will. Hopefully we'll hear soon :D
wonder how she has gone one...anyone know if she has a text buddy??

Youve prob had your LO by now but hope all went well

Hello again!!

Well, here i finally am with little baby Dylan Buster Rhys Croft! :cheer:

I went in on thursday morning to be induced... i'd had a membrane sweep the day before and been having cramps in the night, then in the morning i had a show and thought my waters broke so was hoping to not need the induction. Got to hospital and the midwife examined me and said my waters hadn't broken and i was only 1cm dilated so carried on and put the tablet in... About an hour later i start having tightenings then the pain got so bad in the afternoon i called for the midwife.. she said it was just prostin pains and she gave me two paracetamol 'to take the edge off'!! By this time i was convinced something wasn't right because i was vomiting and felt like i wanted to go to the loo but couldnt so she examined me.. turns out i'm 9cm so was rushed into the delivery room!!! An hour Dylan arrived! They had to use forceps as there were signs of distress but apart from that everything was fine. He weighed 6lb 7 and is the cutest thing i've ever seen (but then i would say that!!!)

Will post pics when i get the USB ports on my computer fixed!

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