In agony


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I'm so close to tears it's untrue. The past two days I have been in unbearable pain with my back. Quick history-after 7-8 years of being told I had sciatica and being on various pain killers I was sent for an MRI scan last year and discovered I have two compressed discs in my lower back, exactly where they would insert the epidural needle. Fyrteher medical exploration found that one of the discs is torn and leaking fluid into my back, irritating nerves and also the compressed disc is trapping a couple of nerves. I was on a very high dose of tramadol until I fell pg and now don't take anything. I'm so low at the moment however. I can't sit, lie, stand or walk without being in unbearable pain, last two days we've had to go into town for dentist appt and just the physical act of sitting on a bus has me nearly in tears. I'm actually really worried now as I have a ridiculously high pain threshold so I know if it's unbearable for me then most other people would be laid out by it. I have 16 weeks left to go with it only getting worse! I'm so sorry for the rant guys-I'm just in so much pain. I really want a home birth but I'm beginning to think that it's going to be unlikely and I'm terrified of being told I'll have to have a section. I don't know what to do. Sorry.
Aww hunny, Im sorry your in so much pain! :(

Ive had damaged soft tissue in my lower back and that was agony, but only lasted for around 6-12 months, I cant imagine how awful it must be to have to such bad pains AND be pregnant! I really hope the doctors can try and give you something for it. They cant expect you to carry on in this much pain for another 16 weeks! x
Awww hun :hug: I too suffer from really bad back and earlier in the year I thought I had sciatica! Turned out I'd trapped a nerve in my back, I couldnt actually walk for a week! I feel for you xx
What does your GP recommend? I would also see your midwife as she may refer you to a consultant. Gawd I hope you get some help, I can't imagine having to deal with that constant pain. Let us know how you go ok? :hug:
So sorry your going through all this pain hunny, Ive got a straight lumbago ( is that it? Where the bottom of my spine isn't curved.) so although I do suffer sometimes especially If I've been standing for long periods it's manageable, so I can't imagine what your going through! I think a serious word with the doctors is what's needed.I know they can't give you medication but perhaps they can send you for physio, suggests things that you could do at home just to make life a little bit easier for you?
I see a consultant but they haven't been very helpful-their only concerned with what pain relief I can and can't have x when I went to the doctor he gave me a sick note and basically said 'you can't take anything for the pain'. My mw tells me to see my doctor! x I just try to get on with it x I miss my other doctors, they were so helpful and caring! I feel so down about it though x
hey hun...just read your post, had to reply!
I do hope you get better soon and the pain gets better, prob as ur getting bigger its putting more pressue on ur back. Just take it easy i would say ....xx
sorry to hear you're in pain, I honestly can't imagine being pregnant with back problems :hug:

You say you were happier with your old doctors, could you change if you're not happy with the ones you've got now?
I can't really because the doctors I'm at now is a 10 minute bus journey away and there are no other surgeries that close, it'd mean a trip into Middlesbrough and we can't always afford to do that x
sorry to hear your in a bad way hun ask your gp to refer you to a pain management clinic they can be so helpfull in many ways in how to deal wth pain also might be worth speaking to your back consultant about your probs as they may get worse thru later pregnancy big hugs xx
I know it's nowhere as strong as Tramadol but can you not take co-Codamol 8/500 as it may just take the edge off the pain. I had SPD with my son in 2005 and the GP prescribed co-codamol for me to take which, although I was reluctant, I had to take them cos I was in so much pain! x
I'm going to go back to the doctors on Friday to speak to them x the last doctor I saw (knob) didn't help at all and just told me I couldn't take anything. We'll see what a different doctor has to say x
Aww hun, big *hugs*, can't imagine what it must be like! Hopefully this next doctor will be a bit more helpful. I can see why you're scared about being told you should have a section, but I guess you wouldn't like to be in labour if your back wasn't right though? God, you have all my sympathy!!
Good luck friday, let us know how it goes :) xxx
Oh Helen, this sounds soo painful for you, really feel for you, can't imagine what you must feel like.
They must have to give you some thing or some theraphy for the pain. I have a friend who got reffered to a floatation phsyio centre and she floats in a tank , apparently its great ! they need to sonrt this for you.

I would ask your consultant or midwife if this has any implications for a Epidural? later on , just so you have more insight before the day. god I really hope it eases.

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