I'm so scared.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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It's been a whole week since we found out we were expecting, and we are over the moon. I think I am 6 weeks +6 pregnant, although I'm even confused about that! We have our first midwife appointment booked for mid June, but it just feels so far away and I'm scared we won't be pregnant by then,

I'm just terrified something will go wrong. My biggest fear is an ectopic pregnancy and I've pretty much managed to convince myself that this is what's happening.

I've had some dull period pains, my boobs are pretty sore but other than that, nothing. It's the pain that's worrying me, but I don't know if it's "normal". I'm exhausted, in bed by 9.30 most nights but I'm not feeling nauseous (although I've been told it's too early). I have IBS and shall we say that I've been having some "issues" in this department, which also adds to my fears of an ectopic.

I am a mess of nerves and don't know what to do! I think rationally I know that it's probably OK and if it's not, there's nothing anyone can do.

Does anyone out there have any words of wisdom? I am driving myself mad Googling MC and ectopic pregnancy symptoms :-(.

Thanks for listening - sorry for the rant.

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sweety it is such a scary time but try not to worry its so early in your pregnancy yet to feel many symptoms and everyone is different

have you had a previous ectopic at all?

dont google it STOP IT STOP IT!!! its the devil and gives you horror stories
Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it.

I've never had an ectopic before - I've never been pregnant before either, so I have no idea what's "normal" and what isn't. I know I should stop googling - I do it for reassurance, but of course, it just provokes more fear! :wall2:

Hi there,
Firstly calm down and breathe...
I know many women on here feel the same things as you and I'm one of them. You really need to stop panicking as it won't do you any good or your IBS. I'm a few weeks behind you and I've been cramping too again which is a common symptom it's your uterus stretching to accommodate the baby. From what I can gather if its ectopic (my mum had one) is excruciating pain on one side and I suffered a mc last year and I'd been spotting with red blood by the point of your pregnancy and I generally new something wasn't right and that's hard to explain but I knew. Try not to spend all your time worrying in your 1st tri - enjoy it! What will be will be as awful as I sound trust me as I say I've first hand experience... If your really worried ring your dr's or nhs direct, I rang the nhs direct and they were brill. Keep your chin up chuck and try to relax and enjoy the ride...
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yep stay away from google try n relax sure all will b well x
Aww hun, sorry to hear your getting yourself in such a tiz. You should be experiencing every happiness after your BFP, but it's not always that easy is it.

Your not the only one going through this though, my IBS has gone beyond bad, and I can barely stand up straight with the pain, and my brain is determined that it can't just be IBS and I must be miscarrying, i'm irritating myself wiping all the time looking for spots of blood or discolouration (sorry for the tmi there)

Having never had a M/C I know I'm being unreasonable, but after trying for so long, I can't help but worry, and I guess it's the same for you.

Symptoms are different for everyone, I'm nauseous, but that comes and goes a little, but my boobs barely feel changed, so we are all different there, please don't use symptoms as a sign of any problems.

If you are that worried about mc or eptopics, speak to your midwife, tell her just how frightened you are, and see if she can arrange an even earlier scan, or maybe look in to a private one?

I know it's hard not to be paranoid when you're in so much pain, but try to be calm and leave google alone, it's never going to help matter (too much knowledge can sometimes be a bad thing)

Take care x

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, I feel much better having read that. I'm so sorry to hear about your MC, and congrats on your pregnancy.

This forum is amazing, this is only my second post and the warmth and people willing to help is overwhelming. I am going to try and chill out this weekend and not let myself panic. And I'll definitely ring NHS Direct if anything gets any worse / different.

Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy - no doubt I'll see you on here lots ;-)

@Sunshine_1 We had been trying for over a year and I had just been diagnosed with PCOS. I was feeling "odd" and did a HPT which was when I got my BFP! It was such a shock to us, we were convinced we were in for the long haul. I guess it just all feels too good to be true. Thank you for responding, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one going through this. Congrats on your BFP - fingers crossed for a happy ending for us all.

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Like I've been told just take one day at a time and when you find yourself panicking looking into the future just think about that day and deal with it one day at a time. Milestones are also a good thing to work towards if you want to concentrate on something. Say the nhs were brill and put my mind at ease last time although it ended badly. Drink plenty of water and enjoy the glorious sunshine!
I cannot advocate how important it is to keep calm!!!

Sweetie, I've actually had 3 miscarriages and the only way I managed to get through tri 1 was to take each day at a time and think positive.

Do not waste time and energy worrying unless you have something to worry about!

I cannot advocate how important it is to keep calm!!!

Sweetie, I've actually had 3 miscarriages and the only way I managed to get through tri 1 was to take each day at a time and think positive.

Do not waste time and energy worrying unless you have something to worry about!


I'm so sorry to hear about your three miscarriages. I think posting this and reading all of the wonderful replies has given me a bit of a wake up call. Like you say, time to take one day at a time and THINK POSITIVE! I will drive myself mad with my incessant worrying. Thank you for responding, and congrats on your bump, sounds like you've been through lots to get there. Fingers crossed for your happy ending too.

I'm so sorry to hear about your three miscarriages. I think posting this and reading all of the wonderful replies has given me a bit of a wake up call. Like you say, time to take one day at a time and THINK POSITIVE! I will drive myself mad with my incessant worrying. Thank you for responding, and congrats on your bump, sounds like you've been through lots to get there. Fingers crossed for your happy ending too.


Thanks hun!!

I know Tri 1 is a scary time but I think that worrying yourself unnecessarily will just make it harder.

Best of luck - you'll be fine!!

@daisyduke76: hi there...i am 7+4 weeks and I have honestly experienced all the symptoms you have. My boobs are sore, been nauseous everyday and had a few episodes of sickness too! also that cramping makes you think bad things but it is only the uterus stretching as others have already said. Never imagined how scary this could all be, just cant wait for my scan to see everything is ok. although symptoms are a good sign... :) congratulations on ur pregnancy!! xxx
Firstly, try to relax (easier said than done I know), if your IBS is like mine then stress just makes it worse....

I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and it was very painful with bright red blood (I believe an ectopic is excruciatingly painful (my sister has had 2!)) and as has been said you just know!
I spent my entire first trimester in a state of panic that every pain/ache etc was another miscarriage, so I know what it's like (I also kept running to the loo to check for spotting/blood). You will get dull pain which I think is the implanting stage and this is perfectly normal.

I went to the doctor at about 6.5/7 weeks as I had quite bad pain and was also concerned that I was suffering an ectopic, he referred me to EPU for an early scan which showed that all was well, perhaps if the pain does get bad you could go to your GP?

I am now 14+5 and have got almost constant crampy pains and sometimes really sharp pains which I am sure is my IBS (although I have also been diagnosed with SPD) but it doesn't stop me from worrying! I have my next midwife appt on 12th June which seems a lifetime away...

If you are concerned contact your GP, if only for some peace of mind (I have an appt with my GP on Tues as I want to speak to him about my IBS and think he'll be more help than my MW).

You aren't alone, I don't think I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy for the worry, and I don't think I'll really be able to relax until bubba is here!

Please feel free to contact me if you want... Xx
@daisyduke76: hi there...i am 7+4 weeks and I have honestly experienced all the symptoms you have. My boobs are sore, been nauseous everyday and had a few episodes of sickness too! also that cramping makes you think bad things but it is only the uterus stretching as others have already said. Never imagined how scary this could all be, just cant wait for my scan to see everything is ok. although symptoms are a good sign... :) congratulations on ur pregnancy!! xxx

Thank you. I am going to try and embrace all of it, take one day at a time and think positively. I am SO excited, but scared all at the same time - it's just such a wonderful, unexpected miracle, I guess I'm having a hard time believing it! Congrats on your pregnancy, there seem to be a lot of us at similar stages, can't wait to share scan pictures and birthing stories with you all. See, I've started already ;-). xxxx
Firstly, try to relax (easier said than done I know), if your IBS is like mine then stress just makes it worse....

I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and it was very painful with bright red blood (I believe an ectopic is excruciatingly painful (my sister has had 2!)) and as has been said you just know!
I spent my entire first trimester in a state of panic that every pain/ache etc was another miscarriage, so I know what it's like (I also kept running to the loo to check for spotting/blood). You will get dull pain which I think is the implanting stage and this is perfectly normal.

I went to the doctor at about 6.5/7 weeks as I had quite bad pain and was also concerned that I was suffering an ectopic, he referred me to EPU for an early scan which showed that all was well, perhaps if the pain does get bad you could go to your GP?

I am now 14+5 and have got almost constant crampy pains and sometimes really sharp pains which I am sure is my IBS (although I have also been diagnosed with SPD) but it doesn't stop me from worrying! I have my next midwife appt on 12th June which seems a lifetime away...

If you are concerned contact your GP, if only for some peace of mind (I have an appt with my GP on Tues as I want to speak to him about my IBS and think he'll be more help than my MW).

You aren't alone, I don't think I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy for the worry, and I don't think I'll really be able to relax until bubba is here!

Please feel free to contact me if you want... Xx

Thank you so much - I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage :(. The silly think is, I think the rational part of my brain KNOWS I'm being silly and that I'll be wasting the Dr's time, but I am so, so scared. I guess part of it is that I don't want to tempt fate, and I KNOW if something goes wrong, there's nothing that can be done.

I know everyone's right, we should try and relax and enjoy this. I'm going to try. Starting now! Your midwife appointment is the day before mine - fingers crossed we can trade good news stories.

Symptoms are different for everyone, I'm nauseous, but that comes and goes a little, but my boobs barely feel changed, so we are all different there, please don't use symptoms as a sign of any problems.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I think hearing all that yesterday really made me thing, and I'm going to try and relax and take one day at a time and he hopeful for the future.


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