I'm getting a brown discharge and I'm so scared- please help

:hug: i'm so so sorry hun, really hoped this wouldn't happen to you.

:hug: Really really sorry Sarah - just been reading this thread and was really hoping you'd come back and say it was ok.

I lost at 6 weeks back in July - at the time I was having problems with an infected finger that I'd previously trapped in a door, had to have antibiotics and I guess, for a while I blamed all this for the m/c. Now I think I've accepted that the pregnancy was just not right and it was nothing I did. I never had the symptoms that I've had with all the others and the tests weren't as strong!

It is really difficult but try not to beat yourself up too much. I don't know what the risks of general anaesetics/ pain killers are on pregnancy (I actually had these due to my stupid finger 2 weeks prior to conceiving again) so I don't know for sure but as someone said before, babies are amazingly tough and I'd say it was more likely an abnormality. I'm ashamed to say, I had no idea that I was pg when having my first; as it was Christmas I drank loads and got absolutely hammered on NY!! I was very worried but Daisy was fine!

Take it easy and make sure you get yourself better - all the very best. :hug: :hug:

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