im scattering her ashes - update i done it today

Awwww Tracey.......... just wanted to say you are in my thoughts - you really are a wonderful person, & I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. You have chosen a beautiful way to let Carrie-Ann 'free' - all the best darling :hug:

Just wanted to say the seaside is a wonderful idea, everyone loves it. Massive :hug: for such a strong lady that you are Tracey xxx
thanks to you all i really appreciate it. Im so terrified of letting her go for the last time feels so final but i do need the closure.

thanks again :hug: :hug:
aww hun, sorry you are going through this. If you need to talk you know where I am :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The beach sounds such a lovely idea and you are so brave for taking this step. You're right hun you need some closure so that you can move on.
rather than letting her go, maybe see it as setting her free :hug: :hug:
Dear Tracey,
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: lots of hugs to you sweetheart. I think you know yourself when the time is right.....and the sea, wow what a wonderful place to be at peace.....ok me being in love with the sea and a scuba teacher, well i just know Litle Carrie- Ann will be at peace there. it's such a beautiful restful place, mostly unspoilt by man, and over run by natures beauty..... Yes sweetheart, I do believe your choice for your little one is perfect, no matter where in the world you go you will always be able to go to water and know she is nearby..... we are the blue planet.

On a more YOU note... I hope your chicken pox are getting better and you are getting some strength back emotionally and physically?
I often think of you and wish you nothing but good things and best wishes.

Remember Doll you have to look after yourself and please take all the time you need to heal...... the road is winding and the journey long but you have friends that will walk with you all the don't rush anything..ok? you know what i am talking about... Lv Your friend Yvonne xx :hug:
Dear Tracey,
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: lots of hugs to you sweetheart. I think you know yourself when the time is right.....and the sea, wow what a wonderful place to be at peace.....ok me being in love with the sea and a scuba teacher, well i just know Litle Carrie- Ann will be at peace there. it's such a beautiful restful place, mostly unspoilt by man, and over run by natures beauty..... Yes sweetheart, I do believe your choice for your little one is perfect, no matter where in the world you go you will always be able to go to water and know she is nearby..... we are the blue planet.

On a more YOU note... I hope your chicken pox are getting better and you are getting some strength back emotionally and physically?
I often think of you and wish you nothing but good things and best wishes.

Remember Doll you have to look after yourself and please take all the time you need to heal...... the road is winding and the journey long but you have friends that will walk with you all the don't rush anything..ok? you know what i am talking about... Lv Your friend Yvonne xx :hug:
Oh tracey i hope your beter soon so your able to scatter carrie-anns ashes,the sea is a wonderful choice
ohhhhhhhhhh tracey luv, I know i dont post in here but your story has truly touched me,

You are one truly remarkable strong woman and it must be sooo hard for you to find the strength to let your darling wee angel go,

I will be thinking of you,

Take care hun, love kaye and tia xxxx
thank you for all your messages

yvonne- thank you for the bottom of my heart dont know where i would be without you always talking sense, i know what you mean hun ok and im a lot better now. not sure when il go to the seaside but it will be soon.

kayzee- thanks for the message hun that was really sweet of you so thank you

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I wish there was something I could say or do to take away the pain I really do. Big hugs to you :hug:
thanks nicki :hug: :hug:

well im a lot better iv almost scabbed over so can go out now which is great, got some time off next week so will possibly head to the seaside then.

its really funny but when i mentioned this to my mates they were supportive and said what a lovely thing i was doing, and if they could help they would but soon as i asked a few to come with me for the say its now all excuses like iv gotta work or busy. I understand its hard for them they havent been through this and dont what to do or say the wrong thing but i just really need them with me, hopefully all will be ok and someone will come with me because they would never actually let me go on my own

sorry for rant

feel better now for that :hug:
tracey 2 said:
thanks nicki :hug: :hug:

well im a lot better iv almost scabbed over so can go out now which is great, got some time off next week so will possibly head to the seaside then.

its really funny but when i mentioned this to my mates they were supportive and said what a lovely thing i was doing, and if they could help they would but soon as i asked a few to come with me for the say its now all excuses like iv gotta work or busy. I understand its hard for them they havent been through this and dont what to do or say the wrong thing but i just really need them with me, hopefully all will be ok and someone will come with me because they would never actually let me go on my own

sorry for rant

feel better now for that :hug:

Im sure like you said they dont want to upset you or dont know how to handle the situation as they have never been through it. Im sure one will come with you, good luck when you go hun.

I think if im honest it will be a turning point, a kind a exceptance and I think you will become more positive from the experience.

Thinking of you always babes :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxx
ah thank you Jo hun, means a lot its just difficult for them at the moment im pretty sure they will come just over reacting a bit, little emotional tonight think im using that as an excuse to have a rant.

:hug: :hug:
tracey 2 said:
ah thank you Jo hun, means a lot its just difficult for them at the moment im pretty sure they will come just over reacting a bit, little emotional tonight think im using that as an excuse to have a rant.

:hug: :hug:

If u wanna chat im here, rant away!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks hun but not really good company tonight think il go to bed in a bit think im over tired as well

thanks anyway hun il speak to you later
Thats so sad, but scattering her ashes will release her and she will always be around you :hug:

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