I'm missing my husband. :-(


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Totally pointless thread but my husband has just started nights for 6 nights in a row. I know he is trying to get as much money in as he can before the baby is born so that he can do a few less shifts when she is here but I miss him soooo much!!
We have just been away for a lovely weekend and him going off tonight made me really sad! Keeping fingers crossed for a lottery win!!
Pam x
:hug: I hope the next few days go quickly for you :hug:

And fingers crossed for the lottery! x
Thanks ladies! I know it could be a lot worse as a lot of ladies on here have hubbies in the forces etc and are away for ages. It's just that when we lived in London, he was self employed and was always around. We have more money now he's working for someone else but the night shifts kill me!! I think I'll head off to bed soon and the morning will come quicker!!
Pam xx
I know what you mean about the nights though - my OH and I lived 150 miles apart for 6 years (when we first got together) and I was so used to being on my own, but now that we've been living together for years I find it so hard going to bed on my own even when he's away for just one night! x
That's the worst bit- going to bed. I lived in London for 8 years before I got with OH and I feel really silly for feeling edgy when I'm off to bed! We are back in Wales now where I know everyone around here etc but feel more nervous than I did in London! Silly really but I guess you get used to being with someone all the time!
i know how you feel :( i miss my hubby when he works. i work during the day and he does nights and extra hours so i feel like we dont see each other
i found that just chatting with the PF family makes me feel slightly better. Why not go see some friends or family while he's at work?
My OH is in the army so spends alot of time away - but it's no different if your OH isn't in the forces and even if it's only 1 night - it's still hard! At least you get the remote to yourself for a few nights and can slob about and do what you like though if it's any consolation! :)

My OH works away mon-fri and I love it!! :D I get to cook what I want, watch what I want on telly, go to bed when I want without his snoring lol
Do miss cuddles sometimes though!
My OH works away mon-fri and I love it!! :D I get to cook what I want, watch what I want on telly, go to bed when I want without his snoring lol
Do miss cuddles sometimes though!

That made me laugh!! Didn't help that we just had a power cut! I was sat in the dark and the dog was useless- barking like crazy!! Why don't these things happen when he's home???
OH comes here about 3-4 nights a week. But as he is self employed and works as much as he can he NEVER have a day of.. thats what i miss.. a day with OH. Last time we had a day of together was on our 20 week scan the 2 of june..
Last night of nights! Hurrah! I get him at home each night until the end of the month!! I took your advice and had friends round last night for a pizza and a catch up and felt a lot happier today. Can't wait to have my darling in bed for cuddles every night!!! Roll on 6am!!
Pam xx
My husband travels 50% of the time and it can be tough. When I found out I was pregnant he was in S America. When I went for my first ultrasound he was in S France... When I heard the fetal heart beat for the first time he was in S America again.. He basically missed the first trimester :( So yeah I know how you feel! Now that I am in my third trimester he only has 2 trips scheduled away from home and I will travel with him. It is hard, but as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder :)
I can totally relate! My husband is in Italy for nearly 9 months at a time. He flys back every other or 2/3 weeks but normally only for a few days, week at max. It is really hard and I have started to travel with him but with the little one on the way it will be much harder. You kinda learn to make the most of the time without him and also the time with him. It takes a while to balance it and to feel a bit better about being apart.

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