I'm gonna buy..... updated with whats in my hospital bag!!

Sweets! Honestly, they kept me going no end. m&ms were my saviour lol. I took slippers in but like you say, it was so warm I put them on and my feet got all horrible and sweaty. Blegh. List sounds good though :thumbup: Take lots of normal pants, like huge pants, because maternity pants are horriibbllleee (that and Id completly under estimated how big I would be and actually ripped them as I put them on :blush: )
omg how did I forget sweets? :faint: yes I'll make sure there are snacks for me and for o/h. The food in the hospital sucks and it's bloody expensive in the canteen. I might have to check out what the special offers are on bags of sweets at the mo, I have a feeling I'll want an ice lolly too :lol: can't pre-pack though :brat:
:dance: great thread!!! i'll be printing too! what else do we need...hmmm! i'm gonna have a think xx
Hair bands if you have long hair.. You get very hot in labour and might well want it up... Plus not being able to straighten your hair! Lip barm too and plenty of drinks x
Yeah because you just never know. Luckily pea decided to play ball this time and stay put, but I know that because I've had the steroids now that if it starts up again then they won't be trying to stop it and just let me go for it :shock:

Flip flops are another good consideration for the hospital bag. My feet were BOILING the last thing I wanted when I had to walk around was slippers. I've also packed my spare phone charger cos it did my nut that I couldn't play games on my phone cos it died lol. I'll try to think of more stuff as well .....

O/h's family seem to think that it was just me having a false alarm with going into hospital etc. It's frustrating me and I'm thinking: NO I was actually in Labour - they had to stop it progressing with medication :wall: some people eh.
Phone charger!!!!!

Knew there was something missing off my list!! :) x
Great list Princess thanks!!!

I've got one of those gas powered straighteners which is a saviour!!! Goes camping and into hospital with me as my hair goes all frizzy if not straightened!!
I am considering hair straightners, but also wondering if I'll even be arsed about my hair then? Not sure really lol.

Lip balm and hairbands added (and packed) thanks!!!

Any more ideas welcome xx
Definitely take some Magicool spray. When I was in the throws of labour, in between contractions I would say to OH 'Magicool' and he would spray me! It was heaven!!
Read on here about those migraine cool strips that stick to your forehead. Might look like a plonker but beats trying to hold a cool flannel to your head! I also have packed nipple cream, arnica tablets, have put 2 bottles of water and lucozade drinks (not fizzy) in freezer to pick up in way out of door, glucose energy tablets, dressing gown, several nighties with button fronts (cheap and ok looking from peacocks) nursing pjs, breast pads, I pod and camera, charged, ear plugs and eye mask incase ward noisy and bright. Snacks, money - change for parking. Lavender oil - calming to sniff during labour and a couple of drops in first bath after delivery helps healing. Many maternity pads! Eek. Nursing bras. It's a sack lol, won't be needed if I'm discharged same day! :o) sure there's more LOL
Oh and straws so oh can give you drinks while you bounce, push, cry whatever lol
gr8 thread! I'm getting some massage oil for OH to massage my back too.
Oh and dry hair shampoo - can't live without it! Don't know if anyone's mentioned Camera, birth music cd, Rescue remedy.
TENS machine if you plan to use one
Maternity notes and birth plan!

FYI regarding maternity notes, apparently these are kept by the hospital when you give birth so our ante natal leader suggested you photocopy your notes if you want to have a copy, or ask the hospital to photocopy them for you
Oh change for the car park etc... Great idea! X
ok so i've just got round to putting my list together :shock: its HUGE! not sure if anyone mentioned it on here yet but i am planning on taking my own pillows for comfort.

also going to pack OH a few Tshirts! and..a soft toy for baby :cloud9: also, bibs for baba as well as his sleepsuits and blankets etc

also as i wont be able to breastfeed i will be taking those pre-made forumla cartons that jomc suggested some time ago.

pen and paper and a plastic bag for rubbish.

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ooohh Pos I did my list today as well :)
Feel like Ive actually accomplished something lol
Just need to actually buy the stuff I dont have and pack it :)

Ive also put swimsuit/bikini on my list for if I get into the birthing pool.
I'd take some extra nighties as after my stitches i found it impossible to sit on a chair and so ate sitting on the bed and was forever spilling stuff on me, then when my milk arrived I kept leaking and needing to change nightshirts. But then I'm a messy one at the best of times!

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