Hospital Bag

yeah ive got two bags... one for me and one for wee man. I just need shampoo and that and some t shirt nighties and im done.. i think :lol:
Hi Girls :wave: :wave:

Having now had my little one, can I say this list is excellent.

Ear plugs are a must - hospitals are a very strange noisy place and you will be exhausted and stressed if you do not sleep.
Small handheld fan - it gets very hot in the hospital and if you can stretch to this then do so.
Nappies - take as many as possible!
A flannel - so husband can mop your brow in labour - I found this very comforting.
Maternity pads - absolute must
Maternity or disposable knickers - again an absolute must.
:oops: i still dont even have a bag.

Makes note to herself to "get finger out of her arse!!"
Ok i admit i havent made any attempt at doing my bag either. :oops: The only thing ive done today is wash a load of baby clothes and that's it. guess id better get a move on incase she decides to come early as did other DD. :lol:
i don't know about hospital bag but i have packed 2 bags already AND need another one for my toiletries AND another for my food - that's 4 bags!!!

may as well take a suitcase and move in - it's shit loads of stuff to take isn't it!!

Jeezo I thought I was bad! :lol: What all have you packed lady?! :lol:

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