Im back but is it too soon?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hi Ladies....well Ive jumped on over back to TTC again and while I feel ok about being back in here and looking forward to TTC again Im not sure about a lot of things......and hope some of you can help shed some light on this who have been there yourselves.

If we decide not to wait till I get my next AF when will my cycle start from again?

Do I class the first day of MC bleeding last sat as first day of cycle or last wed when it was really heavy with MC? Or was non of that bleeding a cycle?

Or do I just take pot luck and keep dipping with the OPK and see if and when I ovulate next?

I just need and want so much to be pregnant again and not sure we want to wait till first AF after MC....and I know I cant be sure I will get pregnant so fast again but to know were at lease trying is a you think its too soon or am I best going with how and when we feel ready?

Thanks for reading and nice to be back with all you lovely
Glad you're feeling ready to try again babe. Good luck with TTC and im always here if you want me.

hey hun. I can't really answer your questionss as i haven't been there but i wanted to say so sorry about your mc. X
personally id wait till the next af and count from then just to give your body time to recover but its a personal choice only you know if its the right one but whatever you decide i wish the best of luck in ttc and may you blessed soon xxxx
It's completely up to you and when you feel ready x you could do the not technically trying not preventing for now to get back into the swing of things then if you do concieve you concieve and if you don't then you can focus on trying properly when af arrives x good luck sweetie x everything is crossed for you x
Thanks ladies....I know I should really for a month just to get cycle back on track.....Im just so impatient....but will certainly give it some thought....

Thanks SL....I hope your doing ok....

Thanks Wolfy...your all so lovely.....

Thanks Mrsmc...looking forward to being there with you all in the 2ww again....sounds crazy but I like the excitement of it all....just hate it when it goes wrong....good luck tho Mrsmc xxx
Thanks helen....Hmmmm thats a good idea....might try that and see what happens....xxxx
I love your ticker darling x x pm me if you need anything x
Hey hon, Glad you're feeling better - hoping you get a BFP soon - thinking of you lovely xxx
Hi hun, lovely to see you back. I agree that it really is up to you when you feel ready, and if you feel ready then fantastic!Good luck huni, keeping my fingers crossed that you get your BFP soon lovelyxxx
Hey Nat thank you....good to be back....had talk with David tonight and were going to chill out till I get mext AF then I will be able to tell when I Ov and where I am in my cycle going to have a while just relazing and I will hopefully get AF soon and be in the running for the May testing
That sounds like a fantastic plan to me chick!get plenty of rest and chill xxx
Wilma its nice to have you back here in TTC, Good idea to just relax with things until next AF, Fingers crossed for you for a BFP soon hun x x
Don't have any advice but wanted to wish you the best of luck ttc!! :hug:
Nice to see you back and feeling positive. Good luck, relaxing is the way to go, I hope that you get another bfp before you know it.
Thanks Bonnie, Mrsb and Kiki.....good to be back and def relaxing is doing us both good...hopefully things will just happen again soon and yes hope we all get our much wanted BFP's very soon....thanks
hope you dont have to wait long til af, but i suppose its the best way to keep track of things. sorry about your mc wilma, but im sure over the next few months you'll have another bfp to announce!! x

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