im back again

i have contacted councelers like i did with my last miscarriage and they have all told me the same thing. why are you calling us, this is something you have to deal with on your own
i don't see that any counsellor would say that. especially as you have just had a miscarriage you are justified in seeking help, your pain is only natural. You can always ring the miscarriage association, they specialise in it so won't hang up on you or anything, and may help you find a counsellor locally :hug:
the councilers in the states are only in it for money so whatever will get them more money is what they do, not piddly stuff like mine
so sorry breezee, ive just had a chemical pregnancy so although its not the same i kinda feel your pain, dont give up hope
It sounds to me like the doctors and counsellers around you should be ashamed of themselves!!!!

I dont know how it works in the states so cant comment on how "normal" an attitude that is, but sweetie there are people out there who can give you the support and understanding you need right now.

I think online support is all well and good, and we are all here for you, but you need someone you can actually talk to properly.

Ive just spent an hour on google trying to find a support line in the USA and cant actually find any, which surprises me, but perhaps you could call your surgery and ask them for a number?

I really hope you start to feel better soon babes but dont rush anything, give yourself time :hug: :hug: :hug:
have you ever heard of having to wait a year after dnc to try and concieve again??
it doesnt matter. my husband and i have been through so much this year, these miscarriages, losing his mother, my grandmother being diagnose with alzheimers, my mther being in the hospital, my nephew being molested, me having alot of bills in general, that he thinks if we ttc again this year it will end the same b/c he believes this year is jinxed for us
I think this is states-wide, a lot of the services are locally based is why it's harder to find.

"MIS- Miscarriage, Infant Death and Stillbirth
Call: 301-460-6222. For information on groups in area."

In case I've got that wrong, here is the link, with details of lots of local orgs. ... ition=39:7

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