My mums got intouch with my grandad and he said the police have now evacuated the bottom of there street but havnt even talked to them and now theyve walked off. They dont have any power down there either which isnt good as there both really ill. I dont think visiting is even an option anymore.
My dads also been called to work early. He works at forgemasters where some guys had to be rescued yesterday, i cant imagein hes over the moon about that!!
his jobs already dangerous with out people draggin workers in on days like this. Hes already seen people get killed and chopped up and allsorts, i dont think he needs this on top of that. I just hope it doesnt get worse while hes gone 
My dads also been called to work early. He works at forgemasters where some guys had to be rescued yesterday, i cant imagein hes over the moon about that!!