South Yorkshire Floods!

My mums got intouch with my grandad and he said the police have now evacuated the bottom of there street but havnt even talked to them and now theyve walked off. They dont have any power down there either which isnt good as there both really ill. I dont think visiting is even an option anymore.
My dads also been called to work early. He works at forgemasters where some guys had to be rescued yesterday, i cant imagein hes over the moon about that!! :wall: his jobs already dangerous with out people draggin workers in on days like this. Hes already seen people get killed and chopped up and allsorts, i dont think he needs this on top of that. I just hope it doesnt get worse while hes gone :cry:
:cheer: electricity is back on BUT heard on radio nearly all parts of Sheffield (in the next 3 days!) will have a 3 hour power cut :roll:
iv heard itll be all day today from S1 to S12. :shock:
And on bbc1 last night the reporter was stood on my nanan and grandads road, i couldnt see the house but the phone box was coverd. My grandad went to see where the water was and the police man got nasty with him and told him to piss off :shock: my grandad explained that they were trapped and no one had told them about the dam, so the guy told him it was dangerous and he had to move away so my grandad walked off. No ones spoke to them or anything, my nanans too ill to be moved in those conditions.
My dad was fine yesterday at work, he had to clear up with a mop and bucket :x and said it smelt awful and there was poo and alsorts laying around. If you look on bbc news southyorkshire at the pics you can see inside meadowhall :shock: its awful!
I hope no one else gets killed! :hug: :hug: Its so tragic!
we had powercuts in hull too :( - because the power station got flooded
jenna said:
If you look on bbc news southyorkshire at the pics you can see inside meadowhall :shock: its awful!

:shock: i know - my home is flooded (m'hall) :lol: im gutted!!!!!
power is being cut off for 3 hours at a time, S6 is out now and S1 will be going off between 9 and 12. That means im sat at work for 3 hours with no work to do, no lights or anything and they wont send us home!
I have friends who live in Rotherham and they have been evicted from their home cos of the floods :(

oh god this is awful, we really dont expect this kind of thing do we?

My thoughts are with your nana and grandad jenna, though im sure of they thought they were in any danger they would have been told by now :hug:

My thoughts are also with everyone else being effected by this, praying that no-one else is hurt :pray:
Awwww I love Meadowhall, I hope H&M is OK, can't bear to think of their lovely stock all flood damaged! I love the kids clothes in there!!!
It's quite shocking you don't expect it do you? My dad lives in Sheffield I'll have to ask him if it affected him much.
My OH works in Horncastle and it was flooded there. Let's hope we've seen the end to this freakish weather!
They do say that heavy rain is forecast for the weekend - I really hope they're wrong. I gather there's concerns that the dam might burst - is that right?

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