Im baaaaaack!

Yes I think we will be starting in June, but we've not decided for sure yet - we'll just see how it goes I think. There's still the chance we will end up starting in May at this rate haha - but no sooner than that and to be honest I think May will be too soon. We're just both itching to go.

I can tell my husband is getting broody he was all over his friends baby when we went to see him and he spotted the neighbours baby the other day and said how cute she was. I'm kind of liking the fact that if we do wait until June or July I will have finished this years university stuff before we start :)

Fingers crossed for more good weather to cheer him up, I completely understand I get that sometimes as well. Make sure this year he takes his Vit D as even if he isn't affected by SAD we don't get enough VitD here anyway so it will help his bones anyway.
I think we may have just agreed to something quite controversial. We have a large pack of condoms in at the moment and I'm pretty sure we've just agreed that we aren't buying anymore - so basically when they're gone they're gone and we won't be trying as in tracking ovulation but we will be leaving it all to chance.

With us that could basically still mean anytime from the next month to the cruise though haha as sometimes we seem to use quite a few and others we're just too tired to do anything anyway.
Ooo Donna your bfp may come earlier then expected!!! So exciting, we’re just so close it’s crazy!

Af has sure arrived and I am happy, hoping I fall back into regular cycles.

Got any good plans for the Easter weekend?
Good morning
Most of you probably don't have a clue who I am but I'm Jayne :wave:
I used to moderate this forum and have been a member forever (hence the drastic post count).
I have been out of the baby making game for some time now, but getting married in July and will be TTC straight away. I have one boy already, just turned 6.
For those who do remember me, :wave: it's bee a while :kiss:

Hi Jayne! I am 37, with a little boy aged 6. My Husband and I keep talking about TTC again. After having our son who was an Emergency C section, we suffered 2 miscarriages 😣 One at 12 weeks and the second at around 6 weeks. No idea why, these things happen blah blah, but it put us off because I was so poorly and then for about 12 months after my hormones were all over the place. We are keen to have another baby, we would have more than one if we could, but are so nervous at trying again. Anyone else in the same boat?? Good Luck to all in TTC! Xxx

Hi Lyndsay
:wave: 6 year olds are interesting creatures aren’t they?! Sorry to hear you’ve had poor experiences so far. Look forward to you joining us in the wtt/ttc chat :) x
Donna you’re defo first :lol:
My o/h wants to try dress wouldn’t permit it, and nor would my hen party :shock:
Can’t believe it’s 16 weeks left - nowhere near ready!!
Donna you’re defo first :lol:
My o/h wants to try dress wouldn’t permit it, and nor would my hen party :shock:

ah its only me that went and got up the duff for your hen party mate! :roll:

Mocktails all the way :rofl:
Ooo Donna your bfp may come earlier then expected!!! So exciting, we’re just so close it’s crazy!

Af has sure arrived and I am happy, hoping I fall back into regular cycles.

Got any good plans for the Easter weekend?

I know it's crazy isn't it - feel a bit odd at the moment to be honest, I'm due on from Thursday - weekend time, my periods haven't been regular. When we first started talking about trying this would have been our first TWW if we'd stuck to plan. There's part of me that is glad we're not trying just yet as I feel it would be way too soon and I'd be too far along for the cruise - plus December baby haha.

I'm getting loads of EWCM though which is odd, do any of you get that just before your period. No chance I am pregnant (will just throw that out there) at least I don't think there is :oooo:

Donna you’re defo first :lol:
My o/h wants to try dress wouldn’t permit it, and nor would my hen party :shock:

Yes, you need to make sure your dress fits and also you don't want to be feeling under the weather for the day.

Can’t believe it’s 16 weeks left - nowhere near ready!!

Haha I'm sure it'll be all coming together nicely :)
princess, yay new car! Bet it's got that new car smell<3

Ellie, strange re your period. Could just be a coincidence with the vits and that your body is still adjusting? At least you have a good amount of time for it to sort it itself out properly before ttc. Keeping my fingers crossed it happens asap though.

Donna, our DS has also been asking for a new baby. We haven't told him that there might be another sibling coming as he would tell everyone lol! But the other day when I picked him up from school he came out and said "mummy, when you have another baby can it be a boy please? and can we name him Luca? I like that name" :rofl: I felt like saying I'll do my best;-) but instead i asked him what makes him think there's going to be another baby and he said that's what mummies do - they have babies<3 ooh, exciting! does that mean you're starting in June??

Had a semi chat the other night re #3. My hubby has been very depressed the last few months as he suffers from SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). He should've taken Vit D from the end of last summer but didnt as he wasn't as affected last winter and thought it would be ok this winter too:roll: So because he's feeling so down he can't get excited about another baby. We didnt chat about it in depth but I told him as soon as he starts feeling happier in himself I'm sure his "want" for another one will come back. We've been talking about #3 for about a year so I doubt he's changed his mind completely. So, hurry up Spring - my hubby needs some sun:lol:

Aw that’s a really difficult disorder to manage too. I hope he gets back to his usual self too and can bring some enthusiasm to ttc xx
Ooo Donna your bfp may come earlier then expected!!! So exciting, we’re just so close it’s crazy!

Af has sure arrived and I am happy, hoping I fall back into regular cycles.

Got any good plans for the Easter weekend?

I know it's crazy isn't it - feel a bit odd at the moment to be honest, I'm due on from Thursday - weekend time, my periods haven't been regular. When we first started talking about trying this would have been our first TWW if we'd stuck to plan. There's part of me that is glad we're not trying just yet as I feel it would be way too soon and I'd be too far along for the cruise - plus December baby haha.

I'm getting loads of EWCM though which is odd, do any of you get that just before your period. No chance I am pregnant (will just throw that out there) at least I don't think there is :oooo:

Donna you’re defo first :lol:
My o/h wants to try dress wouldn’t permit it, and nor would my hen party :shock:

Yes, you need to make sure your dress fits and also you don't want to be feeling under the weather for the day.

Can’t believe it’s 16 weeks left - nowhere near ready!!

Haha I'm sure it'll be all coming together nicely :)

Seriously no hope of getting into my dress at present!! Bit ambitious with a size 8 :cry:
Donna you’re defo first :lol:
My o/h wants to try dress wouldn’t permit it, and nor would my hen party :shock:

My dress was like that too, there is NO way I could have, plus you need to have a good hen party!

Netty that made me chuckle hehe (I don’t know how to do multiple quotes)

I’m out on Thursday night and I think it’ll be my last big night out before ttc. So excited.

Just don’t stress eat Princess and it’ll be ok. Are you having fittings? Xx
I'm sure you'll be fine. My dress didn't fit a month before my wedding but I refused to let her take it out; I went on the cereal diet for 2 weeks and it worked. She was so shocked as she said there were a couple of inches that I had to lose and she didn't know how I'd done it.

I want to lose 11lbs ideally before starting to try; but we'll see how that goes.

Have fun on the night out :) I have a few bits planned over the next few months but obviously don't know whether we'll be trying before them or not now.
I got it just after we got engaged, so nearly a year ago. I want some adjustments made but nothing drastic. I do ketogenic eating with fasting and I can shed a decent bit of weight quickly. Plus getting back to the gym has been great. I just need to stay disciplined with myself.

Ellie are you going anywhere nice? I&#8217;ve been very restricted with my drinking this year as I knew ttc was on the cards. Plus I can&#8217;t drink for shit anymore and my hangovers are more like alcohol poisoning.
I can't handle my drink anymore either. I had two gins at my friends house yesterday and felt quite tipsy.

Husband was talking about not even using the condoms up, I think we are at the point of not trying not preventing now until the cruise.
Thanks princess:-) Your diet sounds interesting. Will have a read about it.

Lol Donna, I'm actually laughing out loud at how you guys are getting more and more relaxed about your ttc date as the days go on;-) Before you know you it you'll be ttc! exciting times...but would miss you here!! x

We've had 2 family pregnancy announcements in 2 days:roll: Really hope it's me in a few months!!!!
Fingers crossed you'll be joining them soon babymaker

I know, I'm laughing myself to be honest - it's a bit ridiculous. I think I'd end up still popping in here to see how you guys are getting on anyway. We'll see anyway, one of us might freak out when it actually comes to the crunch. I think we're just at the point where we know we really want it and our reasons for waiting just seem, not that important (like I could go on a cruise while pregnant, we could go to the weddings heavily pregnant or my brothers wedding with a baby) and we've kind of realised if we keep putting it off there will always be something that we could say oh we don't want to try yet because of *fill in blank space*
We also know it could take a while to get pregnant, so would rather we tried earlier and fell pregnant earlier than planned than if we held off and then struggled and ended up wondering about missed chances. Again this kind of comes down to the fact that we don't have anything that would be ruined by us getting pregnant earlier as well.
Totally makes sense, Donna. Go for it when you're ready:-) We're all rooting for you and will no doubt stalk your journey;-) <3
Oh Donna how exciting!! So so happy for you.

I’m just going out on the town! Very rarely drink but when I do, I do. Ha!
So am I, although don't think it's sunk in yet. Husband has said it's up to me as I'll be the one who's pregnant for things, but it really doesn't make a difference. If we wait there will only be more things booked in that I'll end up being pregnant for and now I'm not as big a drinker anyway being pregnant really won't make any difference to me. It's whether we are happy with potentially having an early Jan baby, but I feel like we've waited so long for this (we've been talking about TTC on and off for years) and that we just want it, time of the year doesn't really matter. Also again, chances of conceiving first cycle are very slim and if we did we'd just be happy that we were lucky enough to do so.

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