Im baaaaaack!

I saw a 10week old baby yesterday and I just melted!!! Not felt like that since my DD was tiny. So, it's confirmed I definitely want another one:lol: (not that I was unsure...) x

I prefer them at that age to newborn tbh. Not sure if that’s because of work though!
The smiles :cloud9: I love it when they start babbling/cooing as well. Too cute
I use to love it when breastfeeding and I&#8217;d look down and she just have the biggest gummy smile at me mid feed <3 ahhh is it July yet??? X
Sooo broody - it's ridiculous.

But yes must stay strong - July isn't too far away.

I have loads of work to concentrate on before then anyway.
Think I&#8217;m actually going to start my period. 10 days late thanks to my plague :cry: but I&#8217;m cramping and spotting so yay!
This means I&#8217;ve only got April and May periods to have before my coil comes out!! This is all rather real :oooo:
I&#8217;m so ready for a baby now though. I&#8217;ve had to fight the urge for the last year lol!
Haha you’ve got your lovely wedding to look forward to first though <3

Jealous of you getting your period though, how daft is that! I just want normality. I have been an horrendous moody b***h today though! Everyone has annoyed me.

Had food poisoning yesterday too and still went to work!

Yay just seen your ticker princess hehe

I am so broody, time hop has been too much, I can’t upload a video of Aria at softplay a year ago, it’s so funny! Also a picture of her 2 years ago in one of my favourite outfits!!

Random post but I’ve just typed as I’ve thought ha!

Hope you lovely ladies are all ok x
Sometimes if you use tapatalk on your phone it's easier to upload pics with.
Yeh I thought whilst I had the day at home I would upload a ticker (just for Donna's ttc countdown really :lol:)

I remember when I stopped taking my pill, I didnt know at that time that I had pcos, I didn't have a period for a year, it was awful - just wanting your body to function as normal - the hormone settling doesnt help either so yo have big sympathies from me! Not saying your period is going to take a year by the way :oooo:

I have the cutest photos coming up on my FB memories of Cameron too, as he was 4 months old (6 years ago) and by favourite age, I do miss that time (then I remember the colic) x

Oh he’s so cute! I would love a boy next (so would hubby) but genuinely don’t mind ha!

Aria 2 years ago today <3 the video from last year is just so funny!


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Oh gosh look at his little face! I can't even believe how big he is these days!

Can&#8217;t see the photo of Aria on tapatalk! Wonder where I&#8217;m going wrong x
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Trying to get people to reply to wedding invitations is actually like pulling f&#8217;ing teeth!! :brat:
People seem to forget we have things to organise. The deadline to respond is less than 2 weeks away and people aren&#8217;t bothering. Really starting to grip my shit.
Aww look at your little bubbas!!! They're adorable:love:
Ellie, I love that outfit she's got on <3

Ah the joys of wedding planning stress... sooo frustrating when people just don't care! I ended up getting my mum to do some of the chasing so I didnt sound like a nagging cow:lol: Oh and I remember choosing my bridesdmaid's shoes and I worried they wouldn't match her dress (which was made abroad) and when they arrived they didnt match EACH OTHER!! One was darker than the other. Phoned up the shop who informed me they'd sent the display pair. So one was faded from sitting in the window and the other was fine as it was in the box:wall2:
I told them my thoughts on their incompetence and they sorted it but I just didnt need that kind of c*ap just a few weeks before the wedding. I'm sure any bridal shop dont want to deal with the wrath of bridezilla;-)
Hope the rest of your planning goes well and that people start realising they need to get their arses in gear and start getting excited for your big day! I'm excited for you! I'd love to get married again (to the same man) as it was just such a lovely day:love:
Oh we only had a very small wedding, just close family, so I never had to deal with that, I think we got 2 reply cards, one off DH Nan saying sorry but she was too old to come and one of his sisters who does everything formally!

It will all be worth it in the end, it&#8217;s such a great day, no matter what you do and who you spend it with x
I've had pictures of my little one popping up when he was a toddler and it's so cute. I forget how sweet he was at that age.

Another one of our friends has just had her baby, we were meant to be meeting for lunch today but we got a text this morning saying they'd had him <3 can't wait for baby cuddles but it all makes me so broody. I really hope come July we don't have any problems - as I'll just see all this time waiting as a waste. But I know it will happen when it happens and we need to make sure it doesn't happen too soon and potentially ruin plans that we already have.
5 more periods before we start trying, that seems like such a long time. Although 3 more and we are in the danger zone of me probably wanting to just risk it and see what happens haha... I'm hoping my husband can stay strong and tell me no it's not worth it. Just wait until Summer
It feels like a long time away.... but then time goes so fast. When I got engaged it was 14 months til the wedding....and jownit feels like it&#8217;s staring me in the face lol!

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