Im baaaaaack!

Yeah time does fly doesn't it. We have loads of plans before then too; so it's quite scary thinking about how quickly it will go
Bought my FA + D vits today:dance: Got home and hubby unpacked my shopping and freaked out when he saw the vits:roll: I told him to chill and that I need to start taking these at least 3 months before we TTC. Fully expecting a full on conversation later about him panicking:roll: He did this last time. x
Yeah, hubby wasn’t impressed when I started taking mine but told him I needed 3 months back up.

Hope the convo goes well later!

I dreamt I gave birth to a boy last night, my heart is aching. I&#8217;m so looking forward to having a baby again, breastfeeding and doing baby classes and for Aria to have a sibling <3 it will all be here before I know it.
My cousin&#8217;s girlfriend had a baby today. So hopefully it&#8217;s my turn next :)
Just been to see husbands co-workers baby, she had him yesterday <3 he was so tiny and so gorgeous. Got 2 more due before we even start trying haha - so I reckon there will be a few more before me
Lol there&#8217;s always someone pregnant in my family..... we tend to have one per year so it seems!
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Having a moan! I’m fed up of waiting for af, trying to cut out junk, going to start my walking/jogging again, any other tips?

Any views on my chart! Temp up and down but constantly negative opks :wall2:


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Erm not a great deal you can do to kick start it. Mine finally arrived today, 2 weeks late. I know it&#8217;s cause I was ill, but still annoying.
I think that you just need to let it settle and not temp yet because you have no idea where you are. The charts won&#8217;t tel you anything just yet. I feel your pain though. X
Thanks for the reply princess. I just started temping so I knew where I was and avoid ovulation days with dtd because I thought I&#8217;d go back to normal straight away. Stupid of me, eh? Never mind, I just hope I get one soon!
Oh no, how frustrating Ellie. Hope your body gets back on track very soon<3
princess, sorry to hear your cycle has been all over the place but good news AF finally came. At least you should be back on track now.

AF is due any day and although I dont get anything heavy, I still get the moods and OMG I feel horrendous! I've eaten more chocolate this week than I'd like to admit to, I want to cry ALL the time, I'm stressing about insignificant little things and giving myself a headache from it all! OH has still not brought up the subject of TTC:roll: When he panicked about the TTC vits he said "what have you got these for??" and i said I need to take them at least 3 months before ttc and he looked at the box and said "oh well, at least they dont expire until next year". I now have a feeling he's going to want to delay ttc and it's crushing me! I know i should bring up the subject but it will result in sleepless nights and tears which I cant deal with right now. Might have to wait until I'm not PMS'ing haha!
My posts are always so long:oooo: thanks for reading xx
I've been the same with the moods - and I'm not due on until Easter weekend. It's shocking. Just feel really run down and emotional at the moment.

Over dinner today our son was asking about when we'd be looking at having a baby(we discussed it with him when we thought we'd be trying earlier) and he seemed really disappointed when I told him it would be around this time next year at the earliest. Until I pointed out that if we got pregnant now it would be a Christmas baby, then he seemed okay with it haha he told us before not to plan it for Christmas or his Birthday.
Oh my moods have been horrendous too, in a mood with everyone and moaning about everything! Haha

babymaker I hope your conversation goes well when you do have it. Personally I would start taking my pill in front of him, say &#8216;oooh can&#8217;t forget my vits&#8217; hehe

And Donna your lad has got the right idea, sweet that he&#8217;s looking forward to it too <3
PMS has so much to answer for doesn't it. I find it actually horrifyingly amazing how it can literally take over your entire being. I can sit and bawl my eyes out over nothing, and normally that happens the day before I am due on. It's horrible.
Apparrently it's natures way of encouraging us to get pregnant, so we don't suffer with these symptoms.
I read a very interesting study that showed that a simple calcium supplement can stop pms symptoms, there was a very successful trial on women who suffered big time (broke up marriages etc) and it was very theraputic for them.
I have finally finished my period, hopefully I'll have a normal cycle this time now I'm back to a fairly normal state of health.

In happier news, my new car arrived yesterday, I'm so happy. BUT my old car, refused to start yesterday morning, at 06.30. for the first time in the 5 years that I owned it, it was totally dead. Like it was protesting that my new car was being delivered! and I had arranged the sale of the other car :brat: cue a massive panic as I was on labour ward. Woke O/h and he had lost his keys! We spent ages looking then had to get a taxi to his mums to get his spare key, then a taxi back to my house to get into his car so he could take me to work. I was an hour late in the end. BUT the new car was delivered, o/h got my old car started and sold, and came to collect me in my new car so I could drive it home. He had dropped his keys in the pub and got them back at lunchtime :roll: all in all very stressful!
Good morning
Most of you probably don't have a clue who I am but I'm Jayne :wave:
I used to moderate this forum and have been a member forever (hence the drastic post count).
I have been out of the baby making game for some time now, but getting married in July and will be TTC straight away. I have one boy already, just turned 6.
For those who do remember me, :wave: it's bee a while :kiss:

Hi Jayne! I am 37, with a little boy aged 6. My Husband and I keep talking about TTC again. After having our son who was an Emergency C section, we suffered 2 miscarriages &#128547; One at 12 weeks and the second at around 6 weeks. No idea why, these things happen blah blah, but it put us off because I was so poorly and then for about 12 months after my hormones were all over the place. We are keen to have another baby, we would have more than one if we could, but are so nervous at trying again. Anyone else in the same boat?? Good Luck to all in TTC! Xxx
That all does sound very stressful princess! Glad it’s all sorted now!

Welcome to the chat Lyndsay, and good luck to you too x

Am I going mad and could DH actually be right (again): so as most of you know I came off the pill at the end of Feb and started taking my vits the day after and at the same time I would my pill. DH said ‘could the vits be stopping you from having a period?’ I turned around and said don’t be daft, they’re only vitamins and some of them help with hormones Etc. But I got got to take it yesterday and today I’ve been spotting red which would happen if I missed a pill?!?:wall2: what is going on?
Good morning
Most of you probably don't have a clue who I am but I'm Jayne :wave:
I used to moderate this forum and have been a member forever (hence the drastic post count).
I have been out of the baby making game for some time now, but getting married in July and will be TTC straight away. I have one boy already, just turned 6.
For those who do remember me, :wave: it's bee a while :kiss:

Hi Jayne! I am 37, with a little boy aged 6. My Husband and I keep talking about TTC again. After having our son who was an Emergency C section, we suffered 2 miscarriages &#128547; One at 12 weeks and the second at around 6 weeks. No idea why, these things happen blah blah, but it put us off because I was so poorly and then for about 12 months after my hormones were all over the place. We are keen to have another baby, we would have more than one if we could, but are so nervous at trying again. Anyone else in the same boat?? Good Luck to all in TTC! Xxx

Sorry to hear you've had a tough time but good luck with TTC again :)

That all does sound very stressful princess! Glad it’s all sorted now!

Welcome to the chat Lyndsay, and good luck to you too x

Am I going mad and could DH actually be right (again): so as most of you know I came off the pill at the end of Feb and started taking my vits the day after and at the same time I would my pill. DH said ‘could the vits be stopping you from having a period?’ I turned around and said don’t be daft, they’re only vitamins and some of them help with hormones Etc. But I got got to take it yesterday and today I’ve been spotting red which would happen if I missed a pill?!?:wall2: what is going on?

I don't know if he could be right, I can't imagine they'd stop your period - maybe change your cycles slightly but not to that extent :/ but I'm no expert.

Husband has been talking today about TTC again, he was asking if I was sad that we couldn't start trying yet and said that he was annoyed (not annoyed - but disappointed I suppose) about the fact that my brother has booked his wedding for when our due date would be if we'd started trying when we were first going to and fell pregnant straight away. We're considering starting to try after my Birthday in May as well, not making any decision yet though will wait and see what happens then.
It must be difficult Donna when both of you are itching to get starting on to ttc but it&#8217;s external circumstances that&#8217;s holding you back! Hope the wait doesn&#8217;t feel too long.

I&#8217;m praying this is the start of a period, can&#8217;t believe how excited I am ha x
Yeah - I think we might start the month before we go on the cruise, that way if I do fall pregnant straight away I won't be too far along for all the weddings we have at the end of the year (furthest along will be my brothers in Feb and I'd be 7 months rather than just ready to pop) and we'd just use the sea sickness bands on the cruise. We'd have to tell my mum and her partner early, but we can trust them. When I was pregnant with my son I told my mum earlier and she didn't even tell her partner because I asked her not to tell anyone - I expected her to at least tell her haha. I'm just thinking chances of falling pregnant first cycle are very slim anyway, so it's unlikely but also wouldn't be the end of the world if we did :)

Fingers crossed for you that it is the start. I'm getting excited about all my periods too - each one is one step closer to where we want to be :)
princess, yay new car! Bet it's got that new car smell<3

Ellie, strange re your period. Could just be a coincidence with the vits and that your body is still adjusting? At least you have a good amount of time for it to sort it itself out properly before ttc. Keeping my fingers crossed it happens asap though.

Donna, our DS has also been asking for a new baby. We haven't told him that there might be another sibling coming as he would tell everyone lol! But the other day when I picked him up from school he came out and said "mummy, when you have another baby can it be a boy please? and can we name him Luca? I like that name" :rofl: I felt like saying I'll do my best;-) but instead i asked him what makes him think there's going to be another baby and he said that's what mummies do - they have babies<3 ooh, exciting! does that mean you're starting in June??

Had a semi chat the other night re #3. My hubby has been very depressed the last few months as he suffers from SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). He should've taken Vit D from the end of last summer but didnt as he wasn't as affected last winter and thought it would be ok this winter too:roll: So because he's feeling so down he can't get excited about another baby. We didnt chat about it in depth but I told him as soon as he starts feeling happier in himself I'm sure his "want" for another one will come back. We've been talking about #3 for about a year so I doubt he's changed his mind completely. So, hurry up Spring - my hubby needs some sun:lol:
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