I just poas!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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and i am not 100% sure as line is v v faint wont come up on stupid camera :eh: but one dark line and one faint line! AF not due till wed?? used a tesco test?? im sorta excited lol but dont wanna get my hopes up incase im imagining it :roll: xx
4 views and nt oe comment?!!? im stewing here girls?! :( lol xx
Hi I didnt want to read and run. Just wanted to wish you luck and hope you get your BFP. Havent really got any advise sorry as cant see the test lol. I'm due AF on monay and hate this waiting game lol. xx
thanks so much for commenting lol i just wanted someone else to know ha!! aww i tested early wasnt expecting 2 lines tbh ... hope u get ur bfp hun! thanks again :D xx
Good luck lisa........would be a great xmas pressie xx
thanks mushy, hope u get ur bfp soon chick xxx
Faint lines good! Test again in a couple of days, the line should be stronger x x
OMGG!! Poas some more, different brand this time! Get a frer or a digi!! I'm so very excited!!! Xx
Goodluck hunny, hope its your bfp x x

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Sounds promising...have a look in the am I pregnant section,there's my photos in there from may,have a look how faint that was! I drove myself mad poas and analysing it,I turned up to my sisters 3 days b4 af was due armed wiv a dozen 'used' tests to get her eyes on and a cb and cbd lol. She couldn't see much on the used tests,the cb came up quick but faint. So I secretly did the cbd thinkin it was too early to get a bfp on it but there it was 'pregnant 1-2' fx 4 u xxxx
:yay: I love seeing all the lines!!! Have you done another this morning?? You know, FMU and all that?? How exciting!!
Ooooh very exciting!!!! I'd wait until tuesday or Wednesday before poas again x
Helen you have a lot more self control than us!!! Lisa, do iiittttt!!! :rofl:
morning girls sooo glad to have comments hehe !! not got any more tests :( xx
WHAT!!!! That is completely unacceptable young lady. Get your ass out to the shop and buy a test NOW!! Pee on it and even before you inform your OH of the result you will update us first! Do you understand missy!! :rofl: xx

I used a tesco one waaaay too early last week so Ive ordered some ultra sensitive ones from Ebay and am awaiting them eagerly. Until then, its £1 shop ones which are shit! lol

I hope its a true BFP for you X
have u poas again yet hun ?? good luck a line is a line x
Me? Naaah I havent. I want to go and do it but Ive only got cheap tests that say to wait till AF is late. grrr.

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