I have bought a Pram!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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Well i only have a cardi and a few vest for my little boy so today my oh and i went out "browsing" at cots and prams and ended up ordering our pram:dance:
Wasnt going to start shopping yet but after a good few shopa we both decided to go for it so now my second son has a pram to go with his cardi and vests :):)
Ooo which one did you get? I keep changing my mind about which pram to buy. It's soooo hard to chose! Everytime I find "the perfect one" I read a bad review and it puts me off.
Hey, its so exciting buying the pram! I ordered mine today too! Zooms, i have researched prams for about 6 weeks.... I must have spent hours on it... It's a major purchase, so I know what you mean, you don't want to make a mistake when they're so expensive. I got the quinny buzz 3 as I wanted all terrain, parent facing and nice to look at. Good luck with it. I found the women in John Lewis and mothercare were really helpful. We must have been in each shop six times before we chose! X
we had this poor woman in mothercare fold nearly every pram haha she was really helpful.. We were going for the silver cross 3d but changed to the i candy cherry cause its so light and easy to fold and stuff went for the black and red so really happy... Couldnt decide on a cot at all though so will keep looking at those.x

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