When to buy a pram???

We are getting our pram at the end of next month when I will be about 32 weeks, we want the Chicco one, but they stopped doing that and bought out a new one, which is even better, it is quite expensive but we have found it from an Italian place (this is where they are made) and it is £50 cheaper than here!!

This is it:
http://www.bimbomarket.it/en/product.as ... 3&cf_id=40
Bloom said:
lfc_sarah said:
Isnt it ment to be bad luck to buy a pram and keep it in your house before the babys born?

Or is that just me? :oops:

Its an old wives tale but my pram is at my MIL as my mum wont let me have it in the house till baby is born. :roll:

I dont know wether i believe it....
One of my friends told me about it, i didnt have a clue!!
I didnt even know if she was taking the **** :lol:
If it is bad luck I'm stuffed!!!

We bought ours when I was 19+6, thinking that if the 20 week scan showed bad news we could always take it back. We got it then because the one we wanted (Silvercross 3D) was £180 instead of £300 :cheer:

It's been in Connie's room ever since.
debecca said:
If it is bad luck I'm stuffed!!!

We bought ours when I was 19+6, thinking that if the 20 week scan showed bad news we could always take it back. We got it then because the one we wanted (Silvercross 3D) was £180 instead of £300 :cheer:

It's been in Connie's room ever since.

Don't worry its only an old wives tale if i didnt have my mum on my case i would have mine at home so i could play with it. :D
Hehe, i've hear that superstition but i'm sitting here looking at the box for ours, it's in the corner of the room,still in it's box though we have had a play with it. Hehe.
I don't think it matters when you get one, as long as it's the one you really want :)
we got ours at 22 weeks after the scan (its pink) and we set it up and then folded it away back into its box,.
its back up now though and waiting :cheer: :cheer:
God I haven't even started looking yet!

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