I had my baby at 36 weeks!


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Jul 28, 2008
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Following lots of problems, i was discharged from hospital on Sunday despite me telling the doctor that i thought my waters has gone, i had a trickle, and was told that it was probably just pregnancy discharge.

It carried on right through until Monday evening when i thought that i had better ring the hospital.
I was admitted to L&D and it was confirmed that my hind waters had indeed gone.

On Tuesday morning i had the first pessary to induce me, and then another on Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday i was experiencing terrible pressure and back pain, and spent the night crying in pain, despite the Midwife giving me Pethadine, and Cocodamol for the pain.

I then saw my Consultant on the Wednesday evening, and it had been decided to put me onto L&D on a drip to induce me further.

I was taken over to L&D at around 1am, and put on a drip, and everything started to feel a bit real, and scary. I rang my OH to come to the hospital because i thought things may move very quickly. I don't know why, but i had a funny feeling.
I was examined, and was found to be 2cm dilated, and the drip was started, and my waters were broken.
I was checked at 4am, and was found to be 5cm dilated, and by 5am i was really struggling with the pain, in fact i was shouting for my midwife to do something because i was really losing control. I am normally chilled out, and calm, so i started to scare myself with the nosie that i was making.
I was checked again and at 5:20am i was 10cm dilated, and ready to push despite the Sister telling me that it was too early. My midwife checked me, and yes i was ready to push...erm i told them that my body was ready to go, and i was trying to hold back with little success.
I was then told to push, and 8 minutes later Charlotte Rosemary Grace was born facing the ceiling weighing in at 6lb 15ozs.
I gave birth with just gas and air, with no stitches.
The midwife didn't tell me she was back to back in case i gave up, LOL!

OMG! i have never been in such pain in my life, i simply cannot describe it, and in fact i still feel quite traumatised by the whole thing!
I have SPD, and my contractions were all in my back, i thought i was going to break in two.
Two words...never again!

My afterpains are all in my back which doesn't help to forget the pain that i experienced, but i am back home now, and am doing well, i feel great, the bleeding had nearly stopped, and i have a beautiful daughter, who was worth every ounce of pain that i went through.

I was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and Lottie didn't even go into SCBU, so i really count myself lucky.
Well done and many congrats! She was a great weight :love: xx
Congratulations! Baby's come when they are ready, imagine her weight at full term! Xx

ahw well done - sounds like you really went through it... especially back to back too... i had a very quick delivery (3 hours start to finish) and despite my begging for an epidural had to do the whole thing on gas and air... you just CANNOT describe that pain and what your body feels like when it's that pushing time and the head crowning etc...

i am in complete admiration of what our bodies go through and amazed by how your body just takes over.. i know what you mean abuot feeling traumatised... for quite a few days after Emmas birth i just kept thinking "that was just torture! how on earth have i survived that pain!"...

well done you - now you can relax and enjoy your lovely new bundle of joy x x xx
Congratulations and glad you managed to get home so quickly with your little girl despite her being early xx
LOL i too dread to think of giving birth to her back to back at full term. The midwife reckons she would have been 8.5lb!
congratulations and well done, u did great! x
Blooming well done chick! That's awesome! It sounds like you handle the whole situation brilliantly. Sorry to hear of the pain and MW care you received. It definitely seems that a woman knows her own body best eh.

Glad that you had no stitches either and that you and your DD are settled back at home. :hug: x
Congrats! The pain never matters after you have the ending result!:)
Wow, well done! Congrats on your princess! I'm a bit wworried after reading your story as I have spd, but I guess I'll get through it, I'd like a waterbirth but somehow I think an epidural is more realistic! X

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