I fell down the ******* stairs!

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Was walking down the stairs and slipped down the last 3-4... was carrying a mug but grabbed the rail with my other hand and all the weight went on my right side. Have grazed my arm and the weight of me landing gave me quite a shock - oh and I have a big bruise on my thigh...

Baby is moving so seems to be OK. I am just getting so pissed off! I am so flipping clumsy all the time, yesterday I ironed the carpet when hemming the curtains for the nursery, then I spilled water out of the iron all on the carpet, I keep dropping things and just feel so bloody ditzy!

ARGHHHHH! I'm feeling rather fed up today x
Oh nightmare hun :hug:

Glad baby is moving and that you're ok apart from the war wounds! They're well padded and protected in our bumps. I'm feeling ditzy too. I'm forgetting a LOT of stuff, like where I've put things, forgetting mid-sentence what I was actually talking about, walking into things etc etc.

Soon we'll have our sanity back...well here's hoping :lol: x
ah hun. take it easy this evening. glad bubs is moving around and all seems ok. xxx
Oh no I hope you're ok! It's good baby is moving, well protected in his/her little bubble.
It's funny you say about spilling water from the iron - I did that the other day but spilt it all over the shirt I was ironing!
Hope the bruise isn't too sore :( xx
I learned my lesson last pregnancy cos I too fell down stairs (last 4) right opnto my bum. We forget that out balance has gone to shit so I now never carry anything going up and down stairs for that very reason. I now throw the laundry or kick it from top to bottom! Super clumsy in general.....
Hope you feel ok you must have got such a fright!!
It seems to be quite a common thing - falling and tripping in pregnancy, you're so right Tracey, my balance has gone to shit, as has my ability to hold or place things without dropping them...!

I got a proper shock but LO has been wriggling loads so I am trying not to worry; I didn't fall anywhere near my bump and I know they are well cushioned in there...

Got one killer bruise though - ouch! x
Aw glad u ok.... I actually look like i self harm as ive burnt my arm on the cooker 5 times and its just the fact wen i bend down i go off balance :-@ x
I am seriously clumsy here to, and I always spill food down myself, keep dropping things and my cooking is getting sloppy as I am not so comfy against the cooker.. !! Is nightmare hun.. s
I rang the MW about it this morning as though baby is moving it was just playing on my mine IYKWIM?

So I said what happened and that I'd landed on my right side and had a big bruise on my thigh as my arse is so large etc and she said as long as I had no loss of waters/bleeding, I feel fine and baby is moving then it's all good - phew! x

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