I don't want to be pregnant anymore!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I'm so fed up I could cry. Everyone else's babies are here or well on their way. Where's mine? Had a sweep today but that's made me feel even worse about things. MW had trouble getting to me cervix cos it was so high and closed. Things aren't looking hopeful as me and DH really didn't want to have to be induced but it looks likely that I will be. MW will only do one more sweep next week. I just want my LO!! :wall2:

Sorry for the rant x
Oh hun, that sucks. Hope LO arrives soon....maybe worth DTD a few times this weekend? Good luck

Try & stay positive, what the MW noticed doesn't mean baby wont come soon, things could happen over the next 2 days now you've had a sweep.

Hope things start moving soon babe just relax and let ur body do the work.. If u don't relax ur body won't allow u to go into labour.. Try and do things to relax and keep ur mind off things! :hug:
Hun dont worry bout position of ur cervix, it can change so quickly.
On her first, my cousin went for a mw appointment on her due date. She was told there was no way the baby was coming anytime soon as she was high and closed. 6 hours later, her contractions started and her son was born the following morning xx
:hugs: sorry your feeling like this hunny, like the other ladies have said, stay relaxed and positive and your body will do the rest. Even though your cervix was high earlier today things can change so quickly. Come on little one Mummy cant wait to meet you x x
Thanks everyone! All your comments have made me feel a bit better. Just going to chill out tonight and see what happens. Although DH has told me I'm not to go into labour until tomorrow afternoon! He wants to watch the rugby match! Lol
Keeping my fx for you traci that it all starts off soon.....I'm getting pretty fed up too and I'm about 2 weeks behind you! xxx
I'm really crampy tonight. I was last night aswell. I'm guessing its cos I had a sweep yesterday. Been getting a few cramps on and off for a week now. Please let this turn into something more!!!
how r u feeling today hun ? hope things r looking up for u xxxx
Cramping has gone, but I was in agony with a back ache in the night.

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