I don't know what's happening :(

i would definately go back you are not fussing, you want to be sure hat is going on, just tell your doctor what you have told us, how much bleeding well spotting you had, your symptoms now and your test. Ihave had 5 miscarraiges and even the really early ones that were a few days after af was due, i bled just a bt heavier than a period, it starte off brown but then went to full blown bright red.
Go back to the docs for sure - did they do a blood hcg level test?
Hope everything works out ok :hug: Xx
i would have to agree with everything written above, fingers crossed it is all ok..
Hey hon

I don't want to disappoint you hon but with my MMC I only ever had brown blood. Then I went for the scan which showed an empty sac but this was at nearly 11 weeks pg. I think they call it a "blighted ovum" which is where the sac & placenta continue to develop but the fetus dies early on. You still get positive pregnancy tests and all the symptoms as the pregnancy hormones are actually produced by the placenta not the fetus. That said I am not entirely convinced this is the case with you as it could be that you are still at such as early stage that they might not be able to pickup the heartbeat yet on the scan. The doctors at the hospital did say that in a lot of cases ladies prefer to wait a couple more weeks then go back for another scan just in case the dates are wrong - this wasn't the case with me as I was almost 11 weeks but for you there is still a chance it's just early days so don't give up hope :pray: Good luck sweetie I will keep my fingers crossed for you and see if you can get another scan booked x x x :hug:

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