I am such a worrier!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hi all,

I am so glad that I have come on to here. I have taken a test two weeks ago that said I concieved 1-2 weeks before. Couldn't get an apppointment at the docs till Tues. To be honest since then I have spent the whole time worrying!

I have had tender boobs and a little nausea but nothing much then yesterday I got up and just didnt feel pregnant. Told my other half who says I am just such a worrier. I have so many questions that I may have to have an hour apppointment with the doctor on Tues and still dont believe that he will confirm Im pregnant.

Reading so much online and have concinced myself I am having a missed miscarrriage or bound to have one. Close friend had one only on Thurs which doesnt help. Im neurotic as I really want to be ok. Am I going nuts?
Just popped over from tri 2 to offer some advice sweetie.

Of course there is the possibility that you are suffering from a missed misscariage, however you havent said how far along you think you could be? My advice is to try not to worry and put your feet up and relax, the more stressed out you become the more stressed baby will become.

Just hold tight and wait for the doctors appointment xx
Thank you for your thoughts! I think I am 6 weeks along now based on information from the internet. The tendernes in my boobs has come back slightly tonight. I have always been a worrier and my husband isnt which at times makes me worse I think!

I will try to stop, long way to go.I just feel so scared of everything and know I should be emjoying it!
noo youll be fine i had exactly the same worries hun x
It's natural to have those worries hun. What with all the info we get nowadays from the net, tv, magazines, it's no wonder we worry because we know more about what can go wrong. The volume of info is greater than the frequency these things happen - remember that :hugs: It's totally disproportionate.

I worry so much but am strict with myself because it's not fair on baby and also you literally can't change the outcome with worry - if the preg isn't right it will come away which is sad but totally out of any control. SO! your best bet is to enjoy it because the probability is in your favour that it will be totally fine and, given that, you want your baby to be stress free. It's tough but do-able - us mamas are strong and have to be xxxxxxx

I was just about to post a very similar message in here. I'm just past 6 weeks and this is my first pregnancy. I had a friend who mc at 10 weeks and i'm terrified that the same will happen. I find myself online for reassurance and end up finding more things to worry about - lol.

I know the best thing to do will be to wait and see, if its meant to happen it will but I find myself getting so hopeful and would be devastated if it was all for nothing. I find myself over-analysing every slight pain and going to the toilet every hour or so just to see if there's any bleeding.

sorry to vent, but just to let you know you're not the only neurotic out there :p
I still check my knickers !! Think I'm looking for AF still ha ha. I have been pretty laid back so far, just totally chilled - up until now when my first scan is around the corner and now I'm like - Oh what if I'm not pregnant!! Which is rediculous cos I cant fit into any of my clothes now - bump is begginning to push my fat out further lol.

Many people have days, weeks when they dont "feel" pregnant - everyone is different. I had horrible nausea 24/7 since 3wks +4 but was never sick. others are violently sick and some have sore boobs and some breeze through with not a glimmer of anything! (lucky, lucky girls!) maybe you will be one of the lucky ones - Most girls dont get any symptoms till 6 week mark so it could be lurking around the corner and you will be like - remember when I had no symptoms and I was worried! Try to chill honey (easier said than done)
Hemera your whole post sounds just like me so just wanted to give you :hugs:
This is a worrying time that's for sure. xxx
Hey girls,

Thanks for all your messages and for hemenara I drove myself so uptight that I went to the docs yesterday instead of today. She re-assured me that symptoms do come and go and there is definetly no prescribed way to follow. Everyone is different. My boob soreness is back! She took my bloods to confirm my pregnancy and I have my mw appointment in 2 weeks.

Ive bought two books that my friend who has had a baby reccomended and Im going to stick to reading those and the NHS website only. Internet is a min field and you can convince yourself you have anything.

Im trying to chill as I have 6 whole weeks till a scan unless I can convince them to do an early one!!

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