Unpopular view but I totally dont get this "men need asking/ telling " thing. Ive never told my husband to cook, clean, put his washing away etc... He just does it because he's not stupid and sees a mess... I also would never thank him or give him recognition for doing normal things around the house as its our house, our mess and jobs need doing. I actually think this whole pandering to men and treating them like little boys who don't know how to do basic things is incredibly damaging and probably goes way back to their mothers spoiling and molly coddling them and their fathers growing up. My husband had to cook and clean from a really young age and I suppose never been "spoilt" by his mum so always knew these things needed doing to run a successful house and family.
So are you insisting the people who don't have a prefect husband don't have a successful house or family just because their OHs need reminding at times?? My OH reminds me of things that I do which may annoy him.
None of us are perfect & none of us are saying we treat our men like children.
As you stated you never have had to deal with your husband not doing things so maybe that's why you don't see how infuriating it can be.
I don't nag or moan my OH because I just think we'll he's a grown man he knows what to do & 9 out of 10x he does them but yes there is the occasional day where I need to remind him to put the toothpaste lid back on or pick his pants off the floor.
Taking his Xbox away yes I think is treating him like a child but he is choosing to act like a child when Violet needed help.
I never meant to start an argument or negative response on here. Ladies please don't take things badly from one another, we're all extremely hormonal right now even if we don't think it. My oh has been better I must admit but he needs to pull his finger out on some stuff as I am still doing everything except lifting the Hoover as I hurt my back doing that I'm just not used to the excess weight I think he does still need to help me but he put the bins out today so I'm happy even if it's just little stuff if I don't have to nag him I'm happier I hate nagging xxx