How safe is Fenugreek???


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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I went to my local health shop today to buy Fenugreek capsules & they asked me if I was breastfeeding Holly (had her in the pram with me). When I said I was, they advised me not to take it. Now I'm confused!!! They told me to avoid this & Agnus Castus. They also said they were unsure about using milk thistle. Do we know what research has been done & how safe it is? Who recommends we use it as an option to increase milk supply & how much is passed through to our babies?
I've not bought any as they put me off the idea, but really want to boost my supply. I know just because it's natural it doesn't always make it safe. Can anyone else provide me with some information???
Thanks x

Sunnyb xxx
Hmmm fenugreek is a herb used in indian food so I doubt its harmful. I and many ladies on here have been using it for several weeks. I would say google but that's sometimes a bad idea!! X

I'm taking agnus castus and the pack says not to use during breastfeeding, but the woman in holland and barrett looked in her little book and it said it was fine to use during breastfeeding and also it will increase lactation!
Hey sunnyb - I did a lot of research before taking it and found many blogs and forum posts from bfing mums but I did ask my hv about it too and she said it was totally safe to use and does help increase milk supply - got me thru Georgies growth spurt no prob!

Hope you Joseph and Holly are well xxx
Have to say while am sure fenugreek is not dangerous as its widely used to increase milk supply, just keep an eye on your LO if you try it - I found it made Maia really really sick when I took it for a wee while. Am sure with most babies its fine though x
Oops really must change ticker as it now looks like I'm 62 weeks preggers! :0)
I've used fen quite a bit to help with supply. Especially since my LO has been on solids it's difficult to express any extra than I already have if we want to go out (which doesn't happen often as it is...)

As someone else said, it's a herb used in Indian cooking so I wouldn't worry too much.

If you're uncomfortable about taking it, porridge oats are also good for milk supply. I made flapjack for elevenses and had porridge for brekkie etc :)

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