How much is your LO sleeping?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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How much does/did your LO sleep at 3 month old and what was the routine of sleep like throughout the day? x
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hey darlin hows you? Well my LO it was random some days different to others some days more than others and no routine during the day, not for the first 6mnths its recommended not to do anything routine wise for the first 6mnths (Government guidelines and health visitors suggestions which worked for me) and the baby falls into their own routine as time goes on or if not implement one at 6mnths, only for me for one as young as 3 mnths just go with the flow, but thats only my opinion and I am very "baby led" parenting
hey there
we followed owen's lead for his naps but did a sort of routine based on the EASY method - stands for eat, activity, sleep, you. Owen could only stay awake for max an hour up until almost 6 months! so he napped A LOT! xxx
Hey hun. Jack doesn't really have a routine as such (I think he & Lacey are 4 days apart aren't they?) but he usually wakes between 7.30-8am and then has a bottle and falls asleep for an hour by 9am. Then all day the only thing we sick to is that he goes atleast 3 hours between his feeds so that he take all of it, if he sleeps through the feed time or doesn't seem hungry (he lets us know when he is) then we wait until he wakes or whinges for his feed. The rest of the day he has no set nap time, he usually cat naps. We always bath him between 6-6.30pm every evening (unless we're out). He usually does his first sleep session of the night between 8.30-9pm and then wakes every 3-3.5hrs during the night for milk. So we have a very basic routine at the moment which will get more detailed as he gets older. I know from experience having a pretty rigid routine (especially for bedtime) really benefits children x

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