How much fruit is TOO much?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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:wave: as the title says really..

Jackson constantly asks for fruit which I know is great but its getting beyond a joke. He came asked me for an apple so I peeled cut it and gave him it, found out he had already had 2 that day!! Nursery give him fruit/veg/lunch but for me he would choose fruit over dinner! Some nights at dinner he will say dont want that I want an apple :shock: its only pink ladies he prefers too, has his mummys taste :lol:

I am just cautious of the natural sugars and acids but Id rather the fruits than sweets?

So how much is too much!!??

B is a fruit monster and has been known to eat 3 bananas in one sitting!
I don't worry too much to be honest as I think if rather he ate lots of fruit instead of other crap but then he's not a huge veg lover so I guess he makes up for it in other ways!

I think it's when fruit is puréed or made into smoothies etc there's higher sugar content than if they eat it in its natural form.
Ours loves fruit too and is always asking for it. She eats at least 2 whole pieces of fruit a day. Usually one banana and then something smaller like a plum, nectarine, satsuma or pear. Nursery give her fruit 3 times a day but I think it's just a small bowl of chopped fruit each time.
I did have the opinion it was fine at first but its everyday!! He will have easily 3 apples here, fruit at nursery and even turning down food for fruit! I just think as much as plenty fruit is great he may need a bit more other proteins! Lol

Maybe use fruit as a reward for eating other food groups first?
Use it as leverage lol
It's not too bad because the fibre, the water and the other healthy bits from fruit that would otherwise be removed in juice even more so in juice from concentrate so I'd be cheering with joy if my LB was having 3 apples a day hehe!
There's 0,5g protein in an apple.
God all Noah wants is raisins lol!
He wont touch any other fruit hes a nightmare lol xx
It is good he will eat all fruit. Melon, pinapple, orange, strawberries, he was obsessed with grapes for a good while but its now apples. Preferably pink ladies.

I usually give him an apple and bannana in the morning and some milk then I think he gets fruit for his morning snack but portions? Rather than whole fruit. Then when he comes home he constanly says "want an want an apple.. pleeeeease" so I just give him it.

Just started to feel it was too much because a few times a fruit salad is all hes willing to eat for dinner. Hes not too keen on veg though. He likes home made chips sometimes but nothing like fruit :lol: if you guys say its ok I will drop it.

We do brush his teeth twice daily and they do after lunch at nursery so sugars arent too much of a worry, with a dental respect.

I may try the leverage Mrs, thank you.

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My daughter honestly lived on fruit from weaning up until she was about 1 1/2. Although she was always given a huge variety, she would only eat fruit. Even now at 2 1/2, her diet is very varied but she will have fruit at every meal and in between too. She will eat a whole tub of strawberries in one go and a whole mango in one sitting. She's happy and healthy and not eating sweets etc so I let her get on with it!
I don't think there's anything wrong with him having a lot of fruit as such. My eldest eats loads of the stuff and he also loves his veggies too which I'm really happy about.

I would personally be a bit concerned though if he's refusing other foods for fruit. Especially savoury foods. In my mind that's still similar to skipping his main course to get something sweet for pudding. I am quite strict with my boy though about getting what he's given or going with out though so maybe that's just me?! (OH was a fussy eater who was pandered to by his mother, I'm not just mean!)
My boys eat loads and come to me asking for fruit. If I know they've had something already they're told they can have a different fruit. My youngest still gets terrible toddler diarrhoea so I have to make sure he's not having too much of certain fruits. The boys have fruit as a snack and at meal times have to eat what they've been given before they can have a yoghurt/fruit/cake. It would worry me if he was asking for fruit instead of a meal! We do the same here Little Monkey if they don't eat dinner they go without x
I'm actually pretty jealous that you're wee man will eat all fruit, mine is like danis Noah he will only eat raisins. He used to eat all sorts apples, blueberries, peaches now he won't touch any of it. Frustrating!! Better that Jackson eats fruit than a load of junk food xxx
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Kay kay it kills me everyday theowing a brown gone off apple in the bin or a squashed banana in the carpet lmao!

Id say if his teeth r fine and his poos r not too loose from to much fruit id say keep him at it hun! Its brill that he loves it so much

Noah held a strawberry for almost an hour yesterday and still refused to try it hahahaa x
Kay kay it kills me everyday theowing a brown gone off apple in the bin or a squashed banana in the carpet lmao!

Id say if his teeth r fine and his poos r not too loose from to much fruit id say keep him at it hun! Its brill that he loves it so much

Noah held a strawberry for almost an hour yesterday and still refused to try it hahahaa x

Have you ever tried it somewhere else but home? I tend to feed my little man slices of apples in the buggy and he'll eat them all give them in a bowl at home and he'll leave them ditto with other fruits but slices of apple are just so easy to give on the go. Heck he'll even eat them in say a morrisons cafe but not at home :roll:
Kay kay it kills me everyday theowing a brown gone off apple in the bin or a squashed banana in the carpet lmao!

Id say if his teeth r fine and his poos r not too loose from to much fruit id say keep him at it hun! Its brill that he loves it so much

Noah held a strawberry for almost an hour yesterday and still refused to try it hahahaa x

Have you ever tried it somewhere else but home? I tend to feed my little man slices of apples in the buggy and he'll eat them all give them in a bowl at home and he'll leave them ditto with other fruits but slices of apple are just so easy to give on the go. Heck he'll even eat them in say a morrisons cafe but not at home :roll:

Yup everywhere!
Car, pram, softplay, other peoples houses where they have offered.
Hes just started nursery and he pushes them away when they offer too.

Just wont eat any.

Used to love watermelon, wont touch it now. Went theough a stage where i could get an apple down him or 1-2 segments of an orange.
But nope nothing!!

He loved banana when me was weaning too! Really annoying!
It's a phase too I think my mum used to say I lived off clementines and biscuits, hopefully he'll try again eventually now in nursery!
I did give him fruit salad a few times and will if hes not well because he will still eat fruit. Even when he was admitted to hospital he drank minimal milk but still had his grapes like a right patient lol.

He doesnt get a lot of loose stools, his teeth are brushed 3 x daily I suppose I just need to be a bit firmer at tea.

Hes not interested in dinner normally but the last few days I have made a big deal with the food asking what shapes it is, how many of each etc and today at his cousins baptism he ate all my buffet plate.

Everyday is a school day with Jackson and dinner, but we seem to be getting better.

Thanks for the reassurance girls.

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Kay kay it kills me everyday theowing a brown gone off apple in the bin or a squashed banana in the carpet lmao!

Id say if his teeth r fine and his poos r not too loose from to much fruit id say keep him at it hun! Its brill that he loves it so much

Noah held a strawberry for almost an hour yesterday and still refused to try it hahahaa x

Have you ever tried it somewhere else but home? I tend to feed my little man slices of apples in the buggy and he'll eat them all give them in a bowl at home and he'll leave them ditto with other fruits but slices of apple are just so easy to give on the go. Heck he'll even eat them in say a morrisons cafe but not at home :roll:

Yup everywhere!
Car, pram, softplay, other peoples houses where they have offered.
Hes just started nursery and he pushes them away when they offer too.

Just wont eat any.

Used to love watermelon, wont touch it now. Went theough a stage where i could get an apple down him or 1-2 segments of an orange.
But nope nothing!!

He loved banana when me was weaning too! Really annoying!

Same!! I was so pleased he ate fruit when weaning but he was just kidding me on I think! Lol

I laughed at the holding a strawberry thing cos Matthew is the same, I'll give him a plum or something when he's watching telly and he sits and holds it like its a toy or something. Makes no difference where we are. He's just contrary!

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