How many hours sleep?

dionne said:
blood was on her mouth and over her pillow she had cut a big back tooth. and i had no medicine poor lil thing,

oh bless her!! that sounds so painful, i am not looking forward to Ellis teething! xxx
Joe is in with us just now, I havent anywhere else to put him :lol: , he is a grunter when he sleeps which is no good for me as I hear all.

Little monkey slept for 2 hours at a time last night then was up for more milk. I know you should feed on demand but this is ridiculous. :(

Thank god for my neighbour who has taken jess for lunch, im going to put my head down for a wee while.

Poor diors teeth :(
When Jodie Came home i had just between 2 and 3 hours of a night time as most babies do. I was like a walking zombie and everyone was telling me you need to knock off the night feeds. I thought it was dead cruel to starve my baby of a night so carried on as normal. My dad baught me the Baby Whisperer book by Tracey Hogg. Its absolutely fab. I thought thats a load of old twonk reading it. I started taking bits from it and what do ya know Jodie sleeps 12 hrs of a night and has done since 2 months ish. She started having a bottle at 7,10,1,4,7 and a dream feed about ten. and sleeping through till 5 and we stepped it up 15 mins each day till we got it to 8. Shes started solids recently and is going onto a four hr routine(gradually but getting their). I think once they are in a good routine from an early age they are so much happier. You also get time to yourself. Jodies routine only changes slightly if her teeth are trying to break free. She hasnt got any yet but has been teething for about a month now.
Poor dior it's bad thet you can't do a thing for them isn't it. only hugs n love also plenty of medicine oh hope they better now.

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