How many hours sleep?

Thanks Dionne I will give it a go.

She is not having much with a bottle and she isnt really feeding from my boob much either so she does wake up more frequently.

Did you let your babies cry when they were put to bed??
i have tried that with joshua having the water but he loved water so much that he didnt care what he had.

the problem with liam is that at 7 months he still wont take more than 4oz in one go. he doesnt like being swaddled and he rolls around the cot during the night and i think that that sometimes wakes him up.
Eveadel said:
Did you let your babies cry when they were put to bed??

they did at first as they would be nodding off in my arms then i would put them down they would cry. thats when i done the swaddeling ect

still early days though babe. first 3 months are hard :hug:
Did you let your babies cry when they were put to bed??

Not really until Ella was around 6 months, but then she didn't used to (not that I can remember) :?

My personal opinion is that if a baby wakes for a feed then they need the extra milk, particularly if they're going through a growth spurt time. It's up to the individual mum though :)

Ella started sleeping through at 8 weeks, though she went through a time of waking for 1 feed a night again for a while but once we started doing the same things at the same time each night she settled back down (I also think she was waking because she needed the milk). First when she slept through it was from 10.30pm til 8am, then we gradually brought her bedtime forward. She's breastfed and used to clusterfeed for 2-3 hours at night for a few months, then I introduced a bottle of EBM each night. She'd have bath, dressed in grobag, bottle of EBM (which she usually fell asleep on) and bed. I've not had any problems with the fact that she used to be in our arms when she fell asleep, maybe we're just lucky :? She's going through the seperation anxiety phase at the moment and if she's particularly grouchy and goes down awake then she'll cry if she sees us leave the room. I'll leave her for a couple of minutes, normally she settles herself.

I read that they still need a milk feed if they wake for one up until the age of 6 months, but after that they're getting enough during the day and shouldn't need it for their development.

My own personal opinion is that at your LO's age I wouldn't let her cry and I would still give her milk if she wakes. But please don't take offence at that :(
Eveadel said:
Did you let your babies cry when they were put to bed??

Recently I am trying to get Brody to sleep on his own in his cot. I don't let him cry for more than about 5 mins before going in, or I will sit the room so he knows I'm not leaving him.
dionne said:
Harley used to have

7am 6oz
10am 6oz
1pm 6oz
4pm 6oz
7pm 6oz
then bath and sleep
11pm dreamfeed 6oz

Dionne, if harley was asleep at 4pm (for example) would you wake him for that feed.

Ellis does feed every 3 hrs but sometimes in the afternoon he has a 4-5 hr sleep and the 3 hr routine goes wrong.

I do a dream feed at 11 too like you but he then wakes at 2/3 ish in the morning then again 3 hrs later!!

Keely xxxx
i wouldnt wake him.

but Harley only has aboiut 2hours in the day nap time.

keely harley was like ellis 11pm the 3ish it soon got later and later though and dissapeared.
dionne said:
keely harley was like ellis 11pm the 3ish it soon got later and later though and dissapeared.

:dance: :pray:

Please let that happen to me!! haha xxx
OH Dionne, I just put ellis down as I could see his eyes going, but I put some rolled up towels in is basket and he (after about 15 mins of a fuss and fidgit) has gone to sleep on his own!!!!! YEAH, he has never done that in the morning!!!

Thanks hun xxxxx
OOOh, this thread is a godsend. Im finding it tricky getting any sort of routine with my 2. How many of you with 2 babies haev a 2 bedroomed house. Im finding lack of space difficult with regards to sleeping arrangements.
hi laura i have a 3bed i was going to get a 2bed aswell... where is Joe sleeping at the mo? in your room?
Keely said:
OH Dionne, I just put ellis down as I could see his eyes going, but I put some rolled up towels in is basket and he (after about 15 mins of a fuss and fidgit) has gone to sleep on his own!!!!! YEAH, he has never done that in the morning!!!

Thanks hun xxxxx

yay thats great it worked for me every time, i got all my tips of the baby show, just try to stick with it, he will soon learn to nod of anone, its good to wrap them tight as they start trashing their arms around when they are tired and they cant control it thats when they start crying with over tirednes thats why i wrap them up i got it ofr the baby wisperer :)
Well i got a 5 hrblock of sleep last night!! YEAH!

Ellis slept from 10.30 feed to 4am!!! then till 8am!

I think he slept better cos I put the rolled up towels in his basket and my vest from the night before. he must have felt more comfy!! bless.

Keely said:
Well i got a 5 hrblock of sleep last night!! YEAH!

Ellis slept from 10.30 feed to 4am!!! then till 8am!

I think he slept better cos I put the rolled up towels in his basket and my vest from the night before. he must have felt more comfy!! bless.


dont go shouting about it mrs some off us are survivng on like 6 hours slepe from the last two nites
ohhh whats wrong with your little star? is he not sleeping?

Brody went 8.30 till 1am, but them woke every 2 hours after that.


Admittedly, he's had 3 teeth pop through in the last WEEK though! Teething like a trooper, bless him.
ahhh keely thats much better before you no it that 4am feed will get to 5am then 6am then 7am then 8am :cheer:

nothing better then a good night kip.
yeh u shout bout it dionne lol
i dont know wot is wrong with him i think he is just taking the pee lol
awwww bless ya hun, i dont no???????

Dior woke not lat night but the night before at 2am screaming so bad i couldnt control her all blood was on her mouth and over her pillow she had cut a big back tooth. and i had no medicine poor lil thing, it did kill me though wakin gin the night i was in bed all the next day hahaha

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