how many dpo?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi girls

first of all massive congrats to all of u with ur bfps :)

Was wondering if i could pick ur brains and ask some qs (sorry if these hav already been asked before)

First of many dpo wer u wen u got ur bfps amd wat was latest u wer still gettin bfns? (iv tested at 11, 12, & 13 dpo so far and had bfns)

Secondly wot symptoms did u get the cycle of ur bfp? (iv had really bad headaches and backache....yest an today had bad nausea...and last week or so had lots of vivid weird dreams..2 of them hav been pregnancy/baby related)

Thank u for reading xxxx
Hey bellarina, nice to hear from you :)

I'll have a look at my test pics to see last bfns/first bfps for all cycles I conceived and see if they're any use to you. As for symptoms, this pregnancy I had absolutely no symptoms until 6 weeks! You might remember I didn't even think I was pregnant anymore until I retested at 5 weeks.

But of course, I'm a weirdo ;) xx
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Cycle 4 -

11DPO Digi


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Cycle 5 -

CD17-27 (I think O-day to 9DPO) BFNs
10DPO - I think that was my faint BFP
11DPO - 18DPO BFNs
5 weeks - Digi 1-2 weeks

And that's the one that stuck!!


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I can't seem to find all my pics for cycle 3, but I do remember getting a faint positive on 11DPO, and a couple of good ones on 12DPO, then they went negative again on 14DPO.

Hope that gives some ideas, as not many people have had the misfortune of having so many (sad) bfp examples but I want to share as much as I can to help xx
Hello lovely, I got my bfp 12dpo, symptoms didn't really start til later but I did have af type cramps about 6days before af was due, and veins on boobs. I hope you get your bfp xxx
All my BFP's have been between 14 - 16 dpo.

I've always had very strong BFP's.... Probably as I didn't test too early!

I am not a great example though Bell sweetie :shock: :shock:

No real symptoms, other than a feeling of "just knowing" all 3 times!

Thank u both for replying :)

Leesy on cycle 5 u wer stil gettin begs at 18dpo...that makes me feel a bit better (sorry) as i 'feel' like i could b pg but tests not condirnin as of yet xxx
Hi honey. I got my BFP 11dpo. The day before was BFN. Even after I got 1-2 on a digital the one step still had the faintest lines... Xxx
Thanks essjay...cant believe ur 8weeks already.
Is the onesteps 20miul? Xxx
I got my BFP at 15 or 16 dpo I had no symptoms except for being violently sick the day before my BFP. Good luck
Thanks frankie...did u do any tests before the bfp ones? Xx
Hey hon, this is exciting?! Really hope this is it for at around 7 dpi I had major boobage pain. It was stabbing/ shooting pains and I thought this might be it!!! Tested at 10 dpo and 12 and got BFN. 13 dpo was NYE so thought I'd test to see if I could drink and got my first BFP but it was very faint, was a lot darker by 15 dpo. Check the pics out on my BFP post :) good luck babe xxx
Thanks tara...dh said my boobs look bigger today and hes said last couple of nights its been hard sleepin nxt to me as iv been boilin...but i dont feel warm in myself if that makes sense

im wonderin whether to test again thurs or whetger to wait til sat

Thanks tara...dh said my boobs look bigger today and hes said last couple of nights its been hard sleepin nxt to me as iv been boilin...but i dont feel warm in myself if that makes sense

im wonderin whether to test again thurs or whetger to wait til sat


Ooh, that was one I had early on, the heat!! FX for you Bellarina :D xx
Thanks tara...dh said my boobs look bigger today and hes said last couple of nights its been hard sleepin nxt to me as iv been boilin...but i dont feel warm in myself if that makes sense

im wonderin whether to test again thurs or whetger to wait til sat


Ooh, that was one I had early on, the heat!! FX for you Bellarina :D xx

I had a bit of a hot flush yest in debenhams an felt dizzy but apart from that iv had nornal temp feelings wise...its only coz dh wont lie too close to me an mentioned i was too hot for him to lie right.nxt to

lets hope its a good sign eh xxx
Hey hun

Was thinking about you earlier, wondering how you were getting on!

I got a really strong positive at 9/10dpo on an IC and a 1-2 weeks on a digi.

Only symptom that I think matters was that my boobs were really sore, not just if you poke them, sore like Id been kicked in the chest.

Rest of the symptoms have gradually kicked in later.

Hope this helps xx
I got my BFP 16 days p.o on cycle 5, but I only tested once per cycle, I.e I'd wait until my period was at least a couple of days late and then if I got a neg, I wouldn't test again (couldn't deal with the disappointment!) I didn't feel any different through any of my cycles, if anything, i was more convinced that I was pregnant in previous months than the one I got my BFP!

I think everyone is different, some people just 'know' but I didn't!

Good luck, I have my fingers crossed for you :) x x
i got pos on frer and cb digi 13dpo, the line on one step was barly there, didnt test before this tho.

fx for your bfp hun, maybe its just a shy one :) :)

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