How long were you off work followin mc/mmc?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
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hi everyone I was just wondering how long everyone took off work following their loss?

I had an early scan and that's when I was told the preg has ended and I would miscarry I was totally shocked and numb so went off work then that was the 1st april and been signed off for 2 weeks then I was told I would need hospital intervention as it wasn't happening naturally that should of been late next week and the dr said I would need another week to recover from it emotionally and mentally so I have now been signed off til 5th may. although it has happened naturally now I still have to go to hospital tomorrow but not sure whats gonna happen now.

So I was just wondering how you long you lovely ladies waited til you were ready to go back?
Everyone is different, I am self employed, with my first MMC at 11weeks I was able to take 3 days off after the operation, with my 2nd MMC at 10 weeks I found out on the Wed evening and I had the ERPC on the Thursday morning, I came home that evening and I was back to work the next day as I cannot let my customers down if they have me booked. Physically I was able to work as I had only light spotting and very little cramps. For me being back at my work helped me deal emotionally as I felt if I had too much time to over think things it would just overwhelm me. I think work is a positive distraction, I had days I felt crap but it got easier with time. Take care of yourself only you will know when you are ready. It is important to deal with your emotions before TTC again as you need to be mentally able as well as physically able. X
I had 3.5 weeks off with my first, went back for 1.5 weeks, started having panic attacks and had to have another week off. Even then, I only went back because it was the last week before the summer holidays. I was okay with some aspects of work, like going in and doing office/paperwork bits but anything involving working with the pupils stressed me out to the point of crying. My school wasn't very supportive, I wish I'd gone back on a phased return, looking back.

With my second miscarriage I took 2 weeks then went back once bleeding had stopped, I felt mentally better that time and found work better than moping at home. So I think it just depends on your mental state, and I would say take it one sick note at a time, see how you feel towards the end of this one and definitely consider a phased return if you're unsure about going back.
I had scan and found out about mmc on a Thursday, went into work Friday but only lasted 20mins before crying and going home after explaining to boss. Then I had op on the Tuesday and went back in on the Friday for a short day. I mostly went back in on the Friday so I wasn't dreading the Monday. Physically I felt ok but found it hard to focus and things. Luckily my boss was great
this has really dragged out for me cause at the scan I would of been 7 weeks and was told it was better to wait naturally when its so early on and I was so upset and depressed there was no way I was going to work then after 2 weeks I was supposed to have it induced but they rrefused to do it cause they felt I wasn't ready for it so my line is up on the 5th but I don't know what they are gonna say tomorrow I hope they don't set me back another week if they need to do something else
I was in a similar position. I had an early scan and saw the heartbeat then 2 days later started bleeding, had to wait another few days for another scan where was told no heartbeat then a week for d&c. I took a week off after that to recover so 3 weeks in total. At the time I felt I was taking too much time off but my work were great and looking back I wasn't ready and needed the time to get my head around everything. Some people take days, others take weeks. Just depends how u feel xx
Hey, I had 3 days off with my first, 4 days with my second. Think if it happens a third time I would really struggle & need a full week off. Sorry for your recent loss xx
I found out last Wed morning that our baby HB had stopped (baby would have been 10 weeks that day we'd already had dating scan couple weeks before and seen HB) I wanted to wait to do it naturally, I passed the sac on Sat late night and still bleeding heavy today, I won't be going back to work until Mon next week (week & half in total). Hugs to everyone going through this hellish time just now xxx
I lost my little girl at 20 weeks and had 6 weeks off work. Take as much time as you need, everyone is different and you'll know when you're ready to back. x

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