How Long were you in Labour (1st baby).....?

27 hours but Morgaine had become stuck because she turned sideways. My 2nd labour which was 7 years later was 11 hours :D
I was in labour for 16hrs ( got stuck at 3 cms for most of it) and then 1 hour pushing
17 hrs all together :)

Hopefully next time it will be much quicker than that! :lol:
from my waters being broken and me being put on the drip, to when my baby was born - 13.5 hours
Mine was 18 hours start to finish. Was a back to back labour and not fully dialating, but as soon as I heard the epidural beep as it ran out I pushed harder than ever so the effect didnt wear off :rotfl:
All worth it in the end though. Just hoping this little one doesnt take so long this time.
Sherry x
My waters broke on the Saturday - I was induced on the Tuesday as I had no contractions,

Induced at 1430 fully dilated by 2230 but emergency section by 1130!

So I think about 9 hrs!
from establioshed labour (3 cm dilated) to holding baby - 6 hours.
induction started at 9am, was holding alice by 2pm the next day. From my waters breaking to alice being born was 12 hours.

i think i was in 'established' labour for only 4 ish hours, but i was having contractions for closer to 24 hours. they felt blooming established to me!
I was in established labour for 6 hours. Had to get my boss to drive me to hospital and got a friend to drop my car off when discharged from hospital so I could drive home as OH was in the Falklands Islands (he's in the RAF) from when I was 6 months to when our daughter was 1 month old! - I didn't have anyone with me as I only wanted him there - thankfully it all went very well!
From my waters breaking until Oliver was born was about 7 hours. I was only in hospital for 3 hours before he arrived! :cheer:
Thanks ever so much for your responses......only 2 days to EDD (& had enough already :roll: ) just trying to mentally prepare myself, so find it handy to know what ather peoples experiences were timewise............and Sarah...I'm putting in a request for 40 minute labour now!! :cheer:

(Fingers crossed for me that I make it back in one piece when she decides to grace us with her presence - am VERY nervous!!)
You will be fine.
It sounds daft but the more it hurt the more I made myself think I was closer to meeting my baby.
I made a mantra - pain is good!

I also got myself some daft looking bright pink socks so I had something to laugh at when I got a bit down - being completely naked bouncnig around on a birthing ball in silly pink socks definitely helped!
Ooooh I might invest, I am going to try to concentrate on every contraction rather than being fearful of it, I hear thats supposed to be good.

But I love the idea of the daft socks.....think that should be a must for every labour bag, laughing releases the right hormones to make things feel better. Thank you - will buy some when I go to do my shopping later :hug:
That's ok - I did the same - I tried to make myself really look forward to each contraction. It was hard at times but it did help. After a bad one - I thought, I hope the next one comes quickly, then I can meet my baby.

Another thing, if you are having a bad one and puffing and panting - I for some daft reason started doing the 7 times table! It was really difficult (maths never was my strong point anyway) but it really took my mind off things - got funny looks from the midwife when the contraction was over and I asked her was 7 8's were!!!
60 hrs lol

waters broke friday 2am.. tiny contractions started.. 'induced' sunday 9am.. baby landed 2:43pm :cheer:

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