how long till its all over :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hey ladies

So thursday indeed confirmed i had a mc, all that was left was the lining which was 16mm or something and a few clots (sorry if tmi(. I started bleeding not weds just gone weds before and i started passing the clots wednesday just gone,so bleeding for over a week now,thurday and they have been big medium and small. didnt pass any yesterday but today i have had bad backache and contraction like pains and passed one a little while ago.* how long on average does it take to pass them and be rid of the pain, its horrible and im finding it hard interacting with my 2yo as the pain is causing me to sit in a ball.

Thanks huns xxxx
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So sorry you're going through this hun :hugs: I don't have any personal experience, but if its dragging on and your concerned then I would go and see your gp, to see what they say. Really hope its over soon x x
It all happened pretty quick for me the first time. After the initial pain and clots I bleed for a couple of weeks on a off.

It's different for everyone and does depend on how many weeks you were when you mc'd
Again I'm so sorry you're going through this :hugs: unfortunately I bled for about 3 weeks heavy and then spotted on and off for another week or so. But I had a medical management which could have made my body react differently, I'm not sure. Every lady is different but I hope u aren't in pain xxxx
I don't know how long it might take but I did read in the leaflet from hospital that it's quite common for women to take 1-2 weeks off work for natural miscarriage.

The hospital prescribed me lots of paracetemol so I hope you're taking something for the pain if it's bad

:hug: hugs & love to you x
I'm sorry I had a D&C which will have helped clear everything quicker, and I bled for about 8 days after I think, so it may be a few more days for you ,doing it naturally. I hope it sorts itsel,f out soon and you can recover

Hugs X
Hi. It's such a horrible thing to go through.

For my first I started bleeding on the Sunday passed every thing by Monday lunch time and bled for 3 more days.

Second time I had spotting at 8+3 rested then nothing no cramps no spotting. I thought all was good. Started to spot again at 10+0 Went in for US 10+2 found baby had passed bled lightly for a few more days. Passed the baby in his sac at 10+4 after 30mins of contractions next to no blood (he looked perfect just like the pictures and floating in his liquid). Then had a few more contractions 15mins later and passed everything else. I bled for 3 more days after that the spotted for a few days more. Half way through the first lot of contractions I realised I didn't have to go through the pain so I took some heavy duty Migraine pills. I was off in la la land after everything was over and then passed out gotta love those pills.

Sorry for TMI 10weeks today and having a low day.

Short story is there is no normal time each person is different, each pregnancy is different and each miscarriage is different. If you are worried see your doctor. My doc said that if you develop a fever and there is any tenderness come straight back. My friend bled for 3 months went to 4 different doctors and they couldn't find anything wrong it was just how her body handled it.
Hospital didnt give me anything just saif if im concerned after 2 wrrk n havent stopped bleeding to call them
last night i came over achy and unwell had to go to bed :-( dont no if its anything to do with it ot just picked up a bug x
Hi jilly

I'm not surprised you're feeling unwell as your body is losing blood which would make you feel tired and rundown under any circumstances. Hope you haven't got a bug as well hun.

From what I remember the dr's saying, the pain is probably being caused by tissue still lodged inside (e.g. if it's resting on your cervix that can be extremely painful) so once that's passed the pain should hopefully disappear. Depending how far along you were, I think the bleeding can go on for quite a while - a normal period might last say 5 days so it makes sense for a miscarriage to be much longer and heavier.

Hope it eases up for you soon xx :hug:
So sorry u going through this, i bled for a couple of weeks, if u in too much pain or think u losing too much blood u should contact ur dr or hospital, they can help xx
Sorry your suffering so much it is so cruel big hugs to you. I took pain killers the strongest I could buy in the chemist and the bleeding was very heavy for two weeks then like at the end of an af for a few days. I do hope it will be over soon for you . xx
I got an infection with my mc, felt really flu'y and pain got worse rather than better a few days in. Course of antibiotics cleared it up - would talk to your gp hun. So sorry for you xx
Bleeding has stopped now but yesterdaycame over feeling really achy and rough now got pounding headaches its bloody horrible. think i will have to take a trip to see the dr xx

thank you all for your kind words

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