How long should you TTC before seeking help?

Oh Puff puff good luck with the tests chick :hug:
Hi Puff Puff

I remember you posting when I first found this site (I think we fell pg at about the same time). I too had a mc...sorry to hear about yours sweetie. I'm sure we'll both be ok. We all will be. Sometimes it all gets too much though doesn't it?

Are you doing peesticks yet? It's like poohsticks only more compulsive by the looks of everyone on here!!! I start peeing on sticks tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it. Could hardly sleep last night for thinking about it :lol: See, you've already turned me into a nut job!
I didnt have the bottle to go to the doc's today :oops:
But i did go shopping and got some new clothes! :D
And shoes! :D
And a bag! :D
Ah Peanut, sorry to hear you are still TTC after your miscarriage. how weide is this! after reading this thread about "Clomid"alicebabe. i got my blood test results back and guess what the doc has given me? you got it " Clomid" :shock: Apparently, im not ovulating so thats why im not getting pregnant but I still cant understand that as I fell before! :think:
Why do I need to take this? What causes me not to ovulate? im feeling really confused now. :?
puff puff said:
Ah Peanut, sorry to hear you are still TTC after your miscarriage. how weide is this! after reading this thread about "Clomid"alicebabe. i got my blood test results back and guess what the doc has given me? you got it " Clomid" :shock: Apparently, im not ovulating so thats why im not getting pregnant but I still cant understand that as I fell before! :think:
Why do I need to take this? What causes me not to ovulate? im feeling really confused now. :?
So have u got a baby now or did u have a loss with your pregnancy?
Im asking coz i have a 2 yr old and as u can see by my ticker i dont think im ovulating either!
Puff Puff think its a hormone thing that can stop your body from ovulating properly, clomid just gives it a nudge to release eggs!

They've told me that i'm not ovulating properly, and i've had a miscarriage this year in February, so i know i am ovulating, but it must just be pretty spirodic (sp?)

Unfortunately my consultant won't give me Clomid until i've lost 4/nearly 5 stone!!

Good luck with TTC with Clomid!!

Jayceesmumma said:
So have u got a baby now or did u have a loss with your pregnancy?
Im asking coz i have a 2 yr old and as u can see by my ticker i dont think im ovulating either!

Jo, was looking through the chart gallery on FF and there are people on there that have had 89 day cycles!!!
I think you should go to your doctors just see what they say xox
Sorry chick, didn't mean to sound mean then!
The main bit i wanted to say was i'd seen charts on FF that were longer than yours, some of them found out they were pregnant in the last few days of the cycle, and others just came on!!

Oh, no! U didnt sound mean at all!! :hug:
Thanks for looking it up for me hun!
I think ill go on monday. Ive been having period like pains since wednesday night so i think i may come on soon. Its the only time ill ever be glad to see AF! at least then ill know im ovulating!! sometimes i think i may be PG but the BFNs tell me different!!
I'd pray for AF, but i know you'd love BFP too!!
Hope either way you get one of them!!!

No, i had a miscarriage Jayceemumma but i think I fell quickly after coming off the pill and antidepresants so I was more chilled out then! My cycle is always spot on day 28 so I always knew roughly when i would ovulate but now i know im not ovulating so all the ovulation sticks were a waste of time!
Still cant understand the hormone thing hayley?!was waiting for results on my hormones but he didnt have them! had this test at hospital and I was suposed to give the receptionist the docket but I went home with it by mistake! Maybe thats why he couldnt tell me the results! :oops: :roll:
Sorry to hear they wont put you on Clomid hun. x
Id prefer a BFP! Especially after that false one!! Grrr! :x
I just hope one turns up before monday so i dont have to bother going to docs. Im always down there!!
So worried i cant have any more. Im thankful for Jaycee i realy am, but she would LOVE a lil sis or bro! And they would love to have her as a big sis! Shes great! :D
puff puff said:
No, i had a miscarriage Jayceemumma but i think I fell quickly after coming off the pill and antidepresants so I was more chilled out then! My cycle is always spot on day 28 so I always knew roughly when i would ovulate but now i know im not ovulating so all the ovulation sticks were a waste of time!
Sorry to hear that honey. :hug:
Thats ok Jayceemumma. You wernt to know. Hope things are better for you now hun. I havent heard from Wondering and was wondering how she was? HOpe you get your cycle sorted out soon. x
It was loads of OPK's that made me go to the doctors, cos i'd been doing them for ages and hadn't had one surge!!

He must have had some kind of hormone stuff for him to be able to tell you that your not Ovulating!

I can't really explain the hormone thing, i understood it a bit more when i watched the video's that LauraB's posted at the top of the forum!! (the one about the egg, but all of them are really helpful!)

Was it your doctor you saw or a consultant at the hospital??

Jo, they should still be able to help you regardless of the fact that you've got Jaycee.... A friend of a friend found out that she's not ovulating and the doctors were amazed that she's already got a 5 year old!!!

She's seeing consultants etc now, so they are good if something is wrong, but i doubt that it is, bet your body just needs a nudge to get back into a cycle!!!!

Cheers girlies!
Its strange coz i got lines on my OPKs. i didnt get a test line as strong as control line but they were there. they got stronger then lighter. and they are still there but faint.
I really dont understand this stuff! :cry:
Well it sounds like you are getting some form of surge, so would sound like you are ovulating cos the line is changing??
(someone who knows OPK's can correct me on that!)
I didn't get anything ever on an OPK!!!


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