How many is left?

We started trying in April 05. So 38 months. :cry:
Seems like forever that I have wanted a baby tho.
Previous long term partner before hubby DID NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WANT CHILDREN!!!!! Glad I didn't with him tho as my hubby is the best thing ever to happen to me. Wish my step-son was mine and we had met years ago.
Pinky38 wish my exhusband's new wife was as lovely as you :hug: :hug: :hug: hang on in there it will happen for you
please can you add me to the list (I'm new on here).
we've been ttc since may 08 and af/testing on 6th July.
I am here too Kelly...missing from the list :cry:
TTC since 2/08 :wave:
Sorry Trudy only just seen this as flicking through, just off to SW :wall:
Had a crap week although yesterday I entered the adidas 5k womens challenge in Birmimgham :shock:
Doctors have said nothing wrong with me or Stu :dance:
BUT I am carrying far too much weight and wont even think about clomid or IVF till I have lost 3 stone and not sure how much more after that for IVF :cry:
I am 38, have been a childrens nanny for over 20ys and I know I will make a great mummy and my hubby is already a fab Dad and know how much this means to him too! :cry:
Sorry to hear that Pinky. :hug: :hug: I don't understand the weight thing. I know plenty of overweight women who have had kids so why can't they help you?
Well done on entering the 5k!! It's a great thing to aim for. I'm only half a stone overweight but running and walking the dog is the only way I can lose weight nothing else works. I also love that it forces me out of the house when the couch is oh so comfy!!!

I'm sure you will be a lovely mum, no matter what weight you are.
I'm still here - been trying since January 2007 :(

Hopefully we'll all get our BFPs soon :pray:

Good for you for entering the 5K pinky! :cheer:
I'm still trying to lose weight Trudy and pinky - we CAN do it! :D
Started training this morning :dance:

Trudy: They wont help me because they said there is a major risk of foetal and maternal deaths with overweight mothers :shock: !!!! They have given me a target to reach!!!! :cry:
I am going to stay positive tho :D
You're right Polly. I'm going to stop whinging about the extra lumps and do something to shift them!

Pinky - Good for you! The 1st couple weeks are the hardest but don't give up. When you look back at how much you've improved in a months time it's a great feeling! Keep positive!
well per my past coupld of days posts I havent got a clue if im out yet dam AF or whatever it is :lol: doesnt know what its doing... dont worry tho I will keep you updated but I think im going into July as well like :lol:
Put me down as TTC since March 2008. I count my lost boy as my first child, so I suppose you can say TTC #2 for me.

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