2007 chart stalker thread ?!!!

good god hun, u know wot i would do is get to the hospital, barricade yourself there and tell em youre not movin till it gets sorted out once and for all. it messing around with your lifestyle and i think its gone on long enuff u deserve some bloody answers to get it sorted, sue the b****ds i bloody would.

Sorry to Hijack Posts ( :hug: :hug: to G3M sounds like your going through it at the mo) I just wondered if anyone coul dhelp me with my chart as i'm even more confused now because FF is now saying i have finally ovulated just late, but i think it is showing this because i had 2 high temp's but these were on the mornings after i'd had (LOTS of :oops: ) alcohol i've logged this in my notes but its still showing that I've OV'd however this morning's temp is fairly back to the normal range temps and its still showing me as having Ov'd so i really don't know now!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Do you think i have Ov'd?? Or that the hight temps are due to the alcohol? Will FF have takien this into consideration do you think?

And to top ot all of if i have Ov'd i'd be due on my wedding day so the meds G3M suggested will definetly be needed. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Can any of you experienced charters take a peek for me to see what you think cos i'm going out my mind at the minute worrying its a sign i'm not fertile.

Bex :D
I don't drink so cant really give you advice on this - i have done a bit of a search and found the following

"Your body reaches its BBT after you have asleep for four hours or more, so if you work night shifts or take naps you should take your BBT after your main sleep of the day. If you often get disturbed in the night or early morning, but usually manage to go back to sleep for another couple of hours, remember to record your BBT after your longest sleep. Take your temperature before you get out of bed or have a hot or cold drink because your temperature can change quite quickly.

If you have been drinking alcohol during the evening, your BBT may be high the next morning so don't confuse this with your mid-cycle rise, which should stay raised until your period. Although a hot teddy late at night can help you get to sleep, alcohol will actually disturb your sleep so that you sleep less deeply and may cause you to wake up a few hours later. And if you've been up late the night before your BBT may be raised the next morning, which makes for a confusing temperature reading the next day!

Stress, anxiety, illness, and infection also can raise your BBT temporarily, as will some drugs that are used to treat menstrual disorders, such as progestogens. "

On your chart the temp points are not a complete dot so maybe this will be taken into account. When you have your "real" increase in temp this should all sort its self out. Sorry if that makes no sence at all - because i don't drink i can't even share my experiences of temping with you. Hope you get the answer you want

Thanks for that!! :hug: :hug:

I think that pretty much confirms i won't have ovulated and the Alcohol is to blame for the shift. So i'm back to square one now. Maybe if i have a couple of days with normal temperature readings then FF might remove the Ovulation caluculation.

Got this is so confusing!

I cannot wait til this cycle is over once and for all!

Bex :D
becs .... chart lookin great , hope that temp stays up !

bec, sorry that temp seems to be dropping , but your at 16dpo if your not preggy shouldnt u have af now :roll: sorry if she got you today :hug:

fc , waiting to ovualte huh , lets up the upped chlomid works :pray:

ggg , hope your enjoying not temping !

me , well im in the 2ww :wall: 8dpo and temp ok but not getting hopes up !

tots hope, hope you ovulate sooner then last month !

rach9 , oooo nearly time ovulate , get bdin !

shelbham , whats happening with you hun ?

isanyone charting but not added ? give me a kick if u need adding !

Hey Gem - that high temp has me all of a fluster. I was convinced this was not my month but here's how tomorrow will go. If it is 37 or above I will be convinced I'm pregnant. If it is 36.9 or below I will be convinced I am not. By home time either way I'll be peeing on a stick :rotfl:
Hi Gem :wave:

I have no idea whats going on with me!! I cant believe i'm on day 79. I got bored of temp taking and didn't do it for few days, put temp in a couple of days ago and it put me at 8dpo, next day it took the lines away again!! Could be a long wait, i've had much longer cycles than this! Got another appointment at the hospital next week so i'm not too bothered anymore.

How are you feeling today?
sore , nurse made me cry when taken the packing out of the hole and my tummy has decided it doesnt like the dressings

Oh no!

I cant believe that its taking so long for you to get better. Is the hospital not concerned that you're having so many problems? Surely its not right for it to take this long to heal.

I just hope you get a BFP soon, then all the pain will have been worth it.

How has your work been with you having so much time off? Where i used to work there was a lot of pressure not to have any time off sick. If you weren't dying then they expected you in, were my boss's words. They were even funny with me when i had to be a witness in court, which i had no choice about.

Shell x
there being ok , but after next week i have no paid sick pay left so i gotta go back , and there fine if i have to be on light duties

ive not been back to hospital , i see my nurse or gp every day but havent been back to my conultant , i dont see him till 11th july. maybe i should phone ? but my nurse says there's not much he could do ?
Its worth a try, different doctors/nurses have different opinions. Its nearly 7 weeks, there must be something they can do. Did you have stiches or was it just covered up to heal?

G3M said:
awww ! even 36.9 is high for me lol i think mines already started to drop ffs

Day 8 Gem - could easily be implantation dip. xx
i cant stop crying tonight , making it worse having baby chanel on , i only usualy do this when af turns up :wall: im just having big girl style wobble , i dont think its ever ever gonna happen :cry: if with all the bding we did this month (without even trying round ovulation) then its just not gonna happen :roll:
Aw Gem :hug: :hug: :hug: It's totally going to happen for you!! It really is and it's okay to feel weepy, hey it's great to feel emotional (symptom?). O course you will be upset watching the baby channel. I can't even look at a pregnant woman or small child without feeling poo. Stop looking at the babies on tv!!! Stop it! Stop it noooooow!!!
was trying reverse phycology (spl?) thought if i saw the hell women go through giving birth might put me off , and it prob did for a millysecond till theyve got the son or daughter in their arms :wall:
Well that happy ending will be you one day!! xxxx

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