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How long did it take you to conceive?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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If you don't mind I would like to find out how long most people took to conceive their bubbas. Personally our little miracle took three and a half years after having the contraceptive injection :evil: - I don't think people are made aware that this can really f**k up your fertility!!!!
Anyway ladies if you don't mind please partake, and if it was the longer end of the scale would you mind elaborating I would like to see who else took a long time after using the same contraceptive.
Thanks ladies :D
We are still stunned at how quickly things happened. We spent that last 8 years making sure we didnt conceive via the contraceptive pill which I stopped taking in January this year to make sure I gave my system as complete break as I am 29 years old and had been on the pill since the age of 13 (different brands) to control stomach cramps and heavy periods.
We decided to try when we went away on holiday to Canada in April this year and were amazed to have a positive test within days of coming home only to suffer a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks! We left it one clear month (my period returned extactly 28 days after the complete miscarriage) and would you believe it fell pregnant straight away again! We are so lucky as I know alot of people try for years to get the positive on that little white stick!!!!!!!
We started trying on 1st March 2005 and I did a positive pregnancy test on 22nd March!! I'd just come off the pill and the doctor told me it would probably take a while to concieve. About a month for every year you've been on the pill apparantly.
I later found out that you can get a massive surge of hormones when you have just come off the pill and have a much higher chance of concieving!!
That must have been what happened to me!!
i caught in the first month of trying which really suprised us, i was diagnosed with poly ovarys the month before and was told it may take time to get pregnant, we deicded to start trying there and then to give us a head start so that when we was ready we prob would catch, but i caught first time
We cracked it on first attempt but I think two things really helped.

First, the relaxed unhurried atmosphere of the honeymoon and also the fact that I had given up the pill 12 months before to really get it out of my system because I had been on it for ages.
Gave up on female contraceptives with hormones 2 months before BFP as they mess with my body. Injection is a nasty thing - I'd never reccomend it. Was on the pill after that but after trying many types and suiting none of them, I gave up and was happier synthetic hormone free. Now I have pregnancy hormones to contend with :lol:
I came off the pill in March
had my period on 28th March
had no period in April (because the pill messed me up)
had my period on 11th May
Was pregnant

so it took me just under two months from March - May to fall pregnant.
Not sure what to put really, it was 4 months from coming off the pill, but 3 months from starting 'trying' even though my partner had had a vasectomy reversal, so it was really quick considering.
We decided christmas eve last year that we would start trying for a baby. In march I became pregnant, I don't count Feb as I had a ton of coursework and wasn't too "loving" but its both our birthdays late march so I guess that did the trick. I had been on the depo injection, had come off it about 2 years before as it made me fat. I was aware about the effect it can have on your fertility so was pleased that iI had decided to come off it then and hadn't waited till I wanted to start trying for a baby. It's not the nicest!!
Wow - judging by the results so far over half of you fell pregnant within three months :shock:
No matter how long it takes the result is still so magical! x
It took me exactly 3 years to conceive. I was on the mini pill beforehand.
It took us nearly 5 years and 3 miscarriages to get our Little boy. This pregnancy I was treated with Heparin and Low dose Aspirin to combat the blood clotting problem I have. He was well worth the wait and the daily injections.

We decided when we came back from holiday in March that we'd like to start trying, I'd had a period during our holiday. Assumed it would take years as I suffered from terrible period problems and we'd been using the withdrawal method for over a year and not got caught (wouldn't have been a problem if I had), so fully expected a year of just trying.

We got pregnant within the first month of trying. Got a positive result within 3 weeks of my last period.

Can't believe how lucky we were! Had never taken my fertility for granted as there are so many women out there who don't conceive straight away and I fully expected to be one of them.
I came off the pill about 4 years ago- I felt so much better afterwards. It had seriously been effecting my sex drive for years which is kind of ironic plus I changed brands in the last year and it gave me headaches and didn't even ease my period pains any more. It was totally the right contraceptive method for us when we were at school, and when we were students etc but I'm glad I'm off it now.

We managed to get pregnant first month trying which was really unexpected but I had been on a 2-3 year healthy living kick first because I knew I really wanted kids around age 30 so I lost lots of weight, started proper exercise, took folic acid and seriously seriously cut down on drinking.

Four bloody years !!!! Was about to start IVF this year but fell preg December last year - yaay !

We had tests and all sorts and nothing was wrong with either of us, it just was a case of bad timing even though we tried everything.

I believe it fate, in a wierd way I am glad I had to wait longer as now I really appreciate things and had time to prepare, although 4 years is bloody long really.
Well, I had the coil in so.......

Had a period on the 2 january
Got Coil out on the 7th Jan
Concieved on the 12th Jan
Had BFP on the 1st Feb

So pretty quick for us. Altho we were trying I wasn't expecting it to happen so quick!!!

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